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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. yeah, the only factually correct bit that I can see!
  2. Is it really true she's dating him? LOL I still think of the HP actors as 11 year olds!
  3. Yeah, and... ????? I thought FD was saying he'd felt another earthquake!!
  4. Some of the comparisons the reviewer makes are hilarious. SITM - B-list Bee Gees?? Since when? She must have never listened to the Bee Gees in her life! Since when have they sung scat?? (I feel someone coming to correct me...). Mika sounding like Jimmy Somerville/a Tweeny HMDYLM - Kylie disco-lite..?? Hilariously wrong. It sounds like many things but Kylie it aint. Don't you love picking reviews to bits. *14 posts till 3,000 *
  5. Thanks for posting. You see, this is the kind of review Mika gets all the time over here. Contrast this with all the positive reviews from the US/Canada shows. Yes it's her opinion, but it's still not nice to read, and really doesn't seem to take into account what the audience reaction was (apart from the kids..were there a lot of children there that night? Not that it matters!)
  6. The nnnah comment aside...how can she say he is 'hardly a breakthrough artist' ??? You may not think he's any good Lily, or that he is the best breakthrough artist, but he IS a breakthrough artist for 2007 and that is an undeniable fact, so the comment was lame in the extreme!!
  7. I;ve just realised something; the power of the subconscious mind, I think! I felt 'something' last night around the time of the quake, as I've said, but didn't put it down to an earthquake..well you don't, in this country, as it's so unusual. Just thought it was a big truck going past... But I've just realised that all night I was dreaming about being stuck in a very high building which was juddering and collapsing... I didn't know about the earthquake until 10 o'clock this morning! Subconsciously then I must have known what it was, though I swear it didn't enter my head last night. Strange! *twilight zone music*
  8. If it had been during the day, a lot more would've been injured...there were quite a lot of chimney pots falling onto pavements and the like. It's like when we had those really strong storm-force winds a year or so ago...I was literally scared to go out as I was convinced something was going to fall on my head, or a piece of a garden fence was going to fly through the air and decapitate me. it's no laughing matter, Mother Nature
  9. I AM very excited for Mika, and proud, and so pleased that he is doing so well!! It's bittersweet though, in the same way it is when your children are growing up..you feel that nostalgia for the old days when they were tiny, but at the same time you are proud to see them growing and developing and turning into something else. so I'm not trying to be negative..just referring to a natural human emotion! I can't wait for later in the year, the new album, news of new UK tours etc. I just think the interim time is going to be difficult, for me at least. In a way I wish I could wipe Mika out of my mind for a few months then 'remember' him again in, say, Spetember, so it'll all be fresh and new again.
  10. Well I appreciated the sentiment mikas_gal... My parents live in Barnsley, where the man was injured. I've had people email me today to ask if they are okay! So yes, concern is nice!
  11. yeah it's really rubbish isn't it, if you are going to insult someone you may as well go the whole hog and call them a ****ing great ****** of a *** useless ****. Well I would Now Cheryl TweedyCole would have done much better!!!!!!
  12. Yes, I think I 'll be moving to Brazil later this year
  13. I haven't read the thread, I am just randomly posting and it seemed like the right moment to ask about the username - after all I have been here ONE YEAR TODAY Yes, a year, and still a Part-time Rubbish Fan! I'm so proud.
  14. I find myself almost tempted to side with Cheryl Cole/Tweedy now That's never happened before!!
  15. Sorry but that's not the answer I was hoping for...I thought you lead a double life, MFC legend and Crap Fan by day, S&M Madam by night. Tut.
  16. Last I heard, Mica had won Round One of the legal proceedings in this case. I can't see the Belgian woman getting anywhere with it, except the publicity of course.
  17. DISHY There's a fine 1970s-style word for you, my Mum would approve!
  18. Why is she called babspanky anyway? What is the significance of spanky (or am I just stoopid) * randomly posting today to make it to 3,000 posts before midnight*
  19. I think the 'end of an era' feeling isn't just about Mika not being as accessible to fans as before..I think there is a general feeling that a hiatus is coming in all things Mika, that the LICM era is closing, and he is moving on to a different stage of his career...it's natural fans will feel nostalgic for the old days, though proud and pleased too of course that Mika is making it so big. I just sense a general 'things'll never be the same' feeling on the forum, which doesn't mean Mika will never sign another autograph ever again...it's just that things are inevitably changing. It's going to be a quiet few months around here now isn't it
  20. Fine words from someone who has sold out and gone into cheesy chat show territory. She is the one who is nnah. She has a notoriously big mouth though, no one is safe!
  21. I felt something, but at the time I dismissed it, I thought it was a big lorry driving over the speed hump next to our house.. I was still up, on my laptop, and the furniture (the TV table mainly) started to rattle, it was about 5 seconds or so, it startled me but I thought no more of it until I heard the news this morning! Weird.
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