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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Happy Birthday Chickadee! Hope you've had a good day, it's nearly over for you isn't it (I'm crap with time zones, sorry ) (I love this smiley the best!)
  2. Thanks...can't believe it's a year, where does the time go when you are an oldling? the Mikaversaries seem to be coming thick and fast now, I guess a lot joined up around this time last year!
  3. Don't worry, me too LOL, it's my Mikaversary today (27th) and I'm still 40 short of 3,000 I really ought to get myself up to 3,000 before the end of today!! That'd be cool!
  4. Great!! Akim, are you still there?? Tell us what you thought of Happy Ending...
  5. I'm having such good mental images of this gig, especially of Mika trying to climb back on stage I hope he hasn't put his back out (or anything else ) for tomorrow!! I hope Wendi and Kath's stories come through before my bedtime!
  6. Yes, I worked it out once, I took the lowest note I've ever heard him sing and the highest, and it worked out at just over 3 and a half octaves, so that seems right* That's still one octave more than the average isn't it? * Well if Mika said it, it obviously is right, he knows his own voice!
  7. Weren't you like that though for the first few weeks of hearing the album? I was, it drove me absolutely insane in the night, so I totally understand what my Mum means. As for my Dad, he just goes around whistling Lollipop all the time, but you don't really consciously notice it, until the subliminal message gets through and you suddenly realise that you too are whistling Lollipop...whistling is funny like that! Mika is truly a genius tunesmith! This is the proof!
  8. MFCers, yeaahhhh:punk: I recognised Cynthia and Jennie..???!! Is that right? That article is slightly dubious though. Primary School appeal?? Is that all they can say? Lame. Seems to me the concert went over the reviewer's head quite spectacularly. But thanks for posting!
  9. Have a great time Marilyn, you will love it; you'll feel connected to Mika by witnessing his performance and interacting by way of the songs more than by saying hi to him afterwards. I did! Meeting him is lovely, yes, but it is secondary. Even if you are lucky enough to meet him, if you are like me, the thing you'll remember most is the performance, especially in a few weeks/months time.
  10. Blue Eyes, your pics are incredible!!!!! Really really excellent. Thanks, and for the report:thumb_yello:
  11. You make a very good point with this!! If he wasn't different from all the others would we be so bothered about meeting him after? He is different, he is special, even though he's just a bloke making music, that's true. I don't know what I'm trying to say exactly (do I ever ), but I know that in all my 39 years I have never before felt the urge to meet a 'famous' person as much as Mika. I think he has that effect on most of us even if some of us don't /won't admit it . Quite why he exerts this power over us, I do not know, maybe it's undefinable. But, we also have to be realistic now. Things are going to change drastically. We mustn't be tempted to judge Mika on how long he stays around after a gig, or take it personally. I reckon the situation last night may have been a response to the idiotic behaviour of some 'fans' after the Brixton gig in December...banging on his car door? Was it Brixton? Maybe John/Mika haven't forgotten that and were just taking sensible precautions. We cannot blame them for that. I sometimes get bitter and twisted about only having been to one Mika gig so far. But, looking back, I now feel so lucky to have just had the opportunity to say hello to Mika, thanks, get an autograph and a smile. It wasn't much, but it was something. Many people haven't had that yet. Some people have had much more than that. It's arbitrary and random and not, I believe, something Mika consciously plans; I am sure he doesn't consciously want to ruin anyone's night, and anyway, the most important thing surely is seeing him perform..?? It's just worth standing back from it all and seeing the bigger picture.
  12. Good try though!! That's better than what I could come up with! although how about "well he loved to score, now he's a priest at 24". Ok I pinched your rhyming word:naughty:
  13. Yes I keep telling myself he is keeping that as a surprise track for the new album but perhaps I'm kidding myself. I've racked my brains trying to come up with a way around the dodgy lyric..but I can't think of anything to substitute that word which would both make sense and rhyme with twenty-four . Suggestions on a postcard to Mika please!! Save Holy Johnny from recorded oblivion!
  14. I cannot bear the thought it won't be on the album!!! I love that song. SURELY it'll be on???? It's not looking like it though is it..
  15. This is great, so detailed, it will be a great asset to the MFC as we head towards officialdom. However I do not see the answer to MY FAQ there. See siggy. Therefore I am slightly disappointed I've come to the conclusion the trumpeter and trombonist are/were figments of my imagination!
  16. Thanks for the reports Caz and Carri and anyone else I've forgotten. Sorry for you that it was a bit of a let down afterwards. I can understand the frustration, really. But I do think it's getting time to downsize expectations of meet and greets with Mika. It's only going to get harder, and more random, to meet him afterwards...and unfortunately simply being a long-time MFCer isn't going to be reason enough for special attention (though of course it SHOULD be.. , in an ideal world!). This week really does feel like the END of an era... Whether it is or not remains to be seen! Funny, some are saying his voice was great, others, not his best....which is true????
  17. He was grumpy at Manchester. Maybe England doesn't agree with him. Or maybe he just has off days like everyone! Thanks for the synopsis reports ppl, I'm off to beddy byes now.
  18. I hope that doesn't mean he is still sick.. Probably saving himself for tomorrow.
  19. Loving the updates so far everyone, thanks *goes back to lurking and imagining the scenario in Ham Apollo*
  20. *joins everyone on the Edge of Anticipation:naughty:* Holy Johnny already? How's the voice sounding, I wonder..
  21. I love it when the Queue messages start rolling in, it's ridiculously exciting. Have fun everyone, keep warm, eat doughnuts etc .
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