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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Can someone help me here, what does Mika say in that very last sentence on the video with Moyles (ends with 'disgusting') I can't make out what he says..just got a mental block with it
  2. Me too! the hair though... dear oh dear oh dear. It's a good thing he is gorgeous.
  3. Wow Even his dodgy hairdo can't spoil that one.
  4. That was Pete Burns.. This is/was Marilyn (he was a one-hit wonder who hung out with Boy George )
  5. Is Ian McKellen on the list yet?? That was one of my favourite moments from last night - I was so pleased he said that, it almost sounded as if he was saying "Well I like Mika, and I don't care who knows it, so there!!". I've always really liked Sir Ian as an actor and as a person, he seems so down to Earth, and he is such a professional and never appears lovey like many actors. I love it when other famous people I respect and like come out as Mika fans/admirers (like Michael Stipe, Stephen King, for instance). In fact most of the other famous people who like Mika are people I really respect. I wonder why Could it be they are right?
  6. That 'person' on the end reminds me of Marilyn. LOL not our own Marilyn Mastin ( sorry Marilyn), but the adrogynous Marilyn singer entity from the 80s. Anyone else remember him?? He was strange.
  7. That's great, me too, great for the MFC Good old Perez, he's really growing on me, he seems to have a real genuine affection for Mika, I think it's cute. But yes, he can't look as if he is always going on about Mika... And did Beth Ditto really say that to Ronson??? I'm sure there are plenty (and not just MFCers) who also think Mika was robbed.
  8. Ha ha yes I totally agree! Good on you Mika for not letting that big fat (sorry) sycophant get away with it. Moyles has dissed Mika all year, and although I do believe he has a bit more respect for Mika now he realises he's a nice guy, Mika had every right there to be suspicious and confront him...I was cheering him on all the way *go on Mika you tell him!!* Mika should confront these people more often I think. He should show them that he knows full well what they say about him behind his back and that he doesn't care. It doesn't have to be in a nasty way - he is far too clever and articulate and lovely, he can get his point across well without resorting to nastiness, just with a few well-aimed jibes (as here). I hope to see him doing more of this this year!! I just like to see him get a little bit shirty now and then, it makes him so much more human. I hope his bronchitis clears up for Monday, I'm sure he'll be fine, he just needs some sleep. Oh and Thanks for posting:thumb_yello:
  9. thanks. That's a beautiful closeup of his face...but his hair is dodgy, too coiffed (Mika, will you ever learn??)..and I'm not so keen on the jacket he wore here. He looked great during his performance though
  10. You mean this hasn't crossed your mind before??? Can't believe no Meeks on the after show. I only hope he's drunk already somewhere.
  11. Jonathan Rhys Meyer, he's an Irish actor and veeeerrrry gorgeous.
  12. I thought Mika did look a bit gutted - they cut straight to his face after announcing Mark Ronson..I reckon he's just gone home to get the party started there. JRM looks delicious tonight
  13. What image do they portray of us Yorkshire people eh Sarah? Duck-fancying farmers indeed:blink: They are from Barnsley too.....I don't know what to say really, except that we aren't all as bonkers as the Arctics
  14. Yes, he was robbed! I like Mark Ronson but he shouldn't have won that category...Mika looked a bit disappointed I thought. BUT I was so pleased he got the Breakthrough Artist, I totally wasn't expecting that, and the public came through for him, great. Edit: I've just realised I've already posted about this in this thread...the Brits are addling my brain LOL WELL DONE MIKA
  15. Congrats Mika - you so deserve this, it was voted by the public too, which is even better
  16. Mark Ronson won British Male Solo Mika was robbed ! he looked a bit miffed...
  17. I like your Mika positivity I'm a bit less optimistic, but hopeful nonetheless.
  18. Thanks for posting deb. I thought the article as a whole was very complimentary to Mika; it made the distinction between Mika and the corporate mush. That's very important. Not everyone 'gets' that about Mika... All the more reason why he should clean up....but the Brits are strange really. Who knows. ONLY 5 HOURS TO GO!!!!!!!!
  19. I wouldn't say I was over attached to the band although it will be very weird when one or more of them moves on. Of course they are part of the whole and very important parts musically speaking, of course, but I really do see Mika as a solo artist through and through. When I saw my only show to date, I hardly noticed the band, visually at least - I was completely focused on Mika and that's how it should be, in my opinion. I'd be sad if one of them left - especially Martin, as he does seem to have such a genuine rapport with Mika, and I associate Martin with so many of Mika's early acoustic live performances... I'm sure Mika would be sad to let any of them go too, but he is a professional and would soon make the adjustment. And who's to say they couldn't return now and again for one-off shows and the like? That would be cool.
  20. I laughed so much at the "I like beer" thing. I'd love to have a few pints with Mika, I think I could probably drink him under the table though *ok I'm not proud of that * I know that feeling of "I wish I hadn't had that fifth beer" so well He's so blokey
  21. I also think he has been overlooked for Live Act. I don't know what they look for when nominating live acts but surely one thing is the ability to raise the roof on a venue and Mika has done that time and time again this year. I think he'll win Best Male but not the others. I do hope I'm wrong. I think he'll wear an outrageously flamboyant, colourful jacket (a new one) for which he will be roundly criticised in the tabloids the next day Go on Mika, make it a really glittery sparkly dayglo one, get The Sun all riled up At the moment I'm getting vibes that the song'll be Lollipop! Sharon will try to get a snog off him after too much champagne, Mika will refuse politely but awkwardly, thereby confirming to The Sun that he is in fact gay.
  22. I'm miffed though that the news about her confirming she'll appear is going to upstage everything else. It's a bit pathetic and diva-ish to announce it like this on the day, as if the whole thing revolves around whether Winehouse is there or not . I mean, I like her (music/talent), but people go overboard and treat her like some kind of Goddess.
  23. bump I fear Radio 1 may be right As long as Mika gets something. He's going to so much trouble to do a fab performance, the least they can do is give him an award. It'd just be rude otherwise .
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