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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. That's okay, ask away!! They were the presenters of the Brits in 1989, and it was a complete disaster; neither of them had a clue what they were doing, they couldn't read the autocue, they kept introducing all the acts wrongly, it was highly embarassing, but funny in a cringe-making way. Sam Fox was a very short topless model and part-time pop singer, and Mick Fleetwood used to be in the band Fleetwood Mac, and he is about 8 feet tall. So apart from everything else they looked really odd together. There is no way the Osbournes could be worse than that, really!! At least they are married and will have some chemistry and banter if anything goes wrong!
  2. Will Kelly and Jack be making an appearance too? I hope not or the whole thing will be a shambles to rival Sam Fox & Mick Fleetwood (well maybe not that bad ). Someone is going to ask me who Sam Fox and Mick Fleetwood are now:roftl:
  3. Lovely! He suits B&W. He has the bone structure for it
  4. Jarvis Cocker, he was the singer with a british band called Pulp and he's now solo. At the Brits one year he showed his bum to Michael Jackson (who was performing) because he didn't like the tone of the performance and wanted to protest. It was absolutely classic, and legendary!
  5. I hope he doesn't call Ozzy a gayboy on primetime ITV though Or maybe..... It'd probably do his image the world of good You have to do something outrageous or silly at the Brits then you become a legend, like Jarvis.
  6. Hey that was pretty quick; it took me ages to get to 100. I've been here a year next Wednesday and I still don't have 3,000. but I like to think they are quality . well maybe not the posts where I'm lusting over Mika but anyway.. Well done on your 100.
  7. :roftl: Oh my god my stomach hurts from laughing.
  8. These are really good points Suzy, well worth quoting . I understand what you are saying and I'm sure may others do too. And about the feeling rude because you are leaving a discussion abruptly...that's something I worry about too. It's worth people noting the reasons why people might just suddenly disappear from a conversation, that they are not necessarily being rude or ignoring anyone. It may just be that they've forgotten they have to pick up the kids from school, or that the dinner is burning in the oven and they just have to GO!!!
  9. ooh no, we cannot have the F word or even the SH word on our screens before 9pm. Because of course, all children go to bed before 9pm, and anyway, they never hear such foul utterings in real life:mf_rosetinted:
  10. that made me laugh, thanks for posting. So for Sharon to like Mika, he has to be gay. Ah well that solves that one then:naughty: There are going to be so many bleeps on the show...I assume they will be putting a small delay on it. They'll have to! Ozzy cannot control his potty mouth.
  11. Yes he does, a bit. Michael was but Mika is both AND .
  12. Aww I'm imagining his little face now reading this... *but my Mom has made all the costumes now...and I really wub Big Girl and Beth* I agree, all joking aside, the time has now come to be positive. Assuming for a moment the rumour is true, I am SURE that the duet won't be as dodgy as their Sweet Dreams one at Oxygen. Mika is so self critical that he won't be going into this lightly, he'll make sure the vocals are properly organised, and we know they have been rehearsing hard since getting back from Canada. He is also bound to have something visually stunning on stage (and I don't mean Beth in a basque). I've no idea what, but if he MUST do Big Girl then I hope it is completely and utterly over the top. And that he sings it PERFECTLY to show off his full voice, lower range etc. I'll still be proud whatever he does
  13. OH YES He must shake his ass at all costs, no matter which song he does. So...we are all in agreement that it must be LT. Who's gonna tell him? I'm scared of him so not me.
  14. I know what you mean about 'gorgeous' not really doing the job. It's not just that he is gorgeous...he has this THING radiating from him, even in pictures! What is it? 'charisma' doesn't do it justice either. We definitely need to invent a new word for him
  15. Love Today, with Gray Skelly, the umbrella, the slow intro, a little bit of drumming on the main drumkit (but no falling off, and clothes firmly on). MIKA, HEAR ME!!!!!!!!!!! * sending telepathic vibes to Mika* Oh, and Brian May of course
  16. Hey not long till you meet him now eh?? Hopefully!! Don't forget to look into those eyes (he really does lock eyes with you. It's terrifying actually )
  17. Seriously, I could stare at that picture without blinking until my eyes dried and shrivelled and fell out.
  18. Freddie I'm feeling your pain too...well not pain, just unease.. Would anyone else like to see him do Love Today? that'd be my first choice. Not with topless drumming as such, but definitely with the slow intro. I think he does that so well, it'd knock the socks off the audience. Or burst their poor little unnaccustomed eardrums. whatever. Falsetto them into submission Mika Big Girl/Ditto a boring safe option in comparison, I think.
  19. He's so beautiful here, like an angel, literally. *sigh*
  20. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too early for bare torso I'm a good girl until 11pm then I allow myself a bit of flesh *goes to look for a nice wholesome Mika pic to post*
  21. Very lazy of me this but the above goes for me too, almost word for word. Although I really don't enjoy arguing. I see lots of things written on here that I disagree with but because I am generally non-confrontational as a person, nine times out of ten I will keep schtum. Recently though I've felt more confident about expressing my views and opposing others' views, and that's partly because I sense the forum has lately become a little more critical of Mika in general, as suzie also said: It's good that people can express controversial views on here now, and they should not be shot down in flames, but likewise they should naturally expect some people to disagree. As long as the arguing/discussing is done politely, with due acknowledgment that people have differing opinions, all should be well. I use a lot, probably too much. I use it to indicate sarcasm or irony. I often accompany it with to underline that what I am saying is not serious.
  22. ooh it's a bit too early in the day for me to be looking at those purple clad thighs
  23. I'm quite certain of the slagging off too, which is why I worry. Maybe I should have more faith in Mika. Or just not believe the rumours . When anyone dares to infer that it is MY anthem I'm overcome by the urge to kill them:sneaky2: Now THAT'S entertainment:shocked: Bring it on.
  24. Hmm there seem to be a lot of us responding in a similar vein to this rumour. Where are all the people who would actually be thrilled with a Beth Ditto Big Girl duet? There must be some.
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