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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Tell me what the song is suzie, it's bugging me because I've half got it...
  2. Mika if you are reading this, it's not too late to change your mind:wink2: Okay, it is We'll see anyway won't we...only 50 hours to go...
  3. :roftl: I am guilty as charged!!!! Let's wait and see, suzie you are right
  4. Hmm. I think the 'special reasons' are that Mika himself rates this song very highly. I get that impression. I bet he goes around at home whistling it all the time. I just think he really likes it *hey even though I say so myself this is a great song..and it only took 15 seconds to write...i'm a frickin genius man!* And of course, he fancies Beth We know that anyway.
  5. fat cat will do. I suppose *passes Portuguese dictionary*
  6. I think Beth Ditto is a good singer and a unique performer so it's nothing against her, but I just have this niggling feeling now that the whole Big Girl thing is becoming a bit of a Mika cliche, bordering on parody, and it gives his detractors all the ammunition they need to sneer at him. I've never ever found the song patronising (I am a big girl so I can say that) and although it's one of my least favourite Mika songs, it's great live, in fact IMO it's much much better live than on the CD. BUT...I feel it's had its day, and I just don't really want Mika to be associated wholly forever more with this one song/image by Joe Non-Mikafan Public. I feel there is so much more to him, he has better songs, better tunes, deeper lyrics, etc. and I just wish he'd choose a different song for such an enormous performance as the Brits! This is just my opinion. I know fans of Big Girl will disagree and be tempted to jump on me now and beat me to death for my heresy but hey, I don't often say controversial stuff on here. So be gentle .
  7. Italians are to be trusted when it comes to fashion, so this is great
  8. Too many rumours flying around, let's just wait and see now I hope it isn't true, personally. Just me being picky but I just don't want him to do a Big girl duet at the Brits. Ah well.
  9. I was thinking just the same Christine. Mika downtime can be really tricky on MFC! I'm thinking I could do with a break too. Hard though that will be... Although I can't spend as much time on here as I think I do because I wasn't really aware of the people leaving due to the 'tone' problems... We've had this discussion before, though, and nothing ever seems to improve long term. Perhaps this is a defeatist attitude but, that's internet forums for you..they are not perfect and mirror real life in many ways, including the unpleasant ways. Perhaps if people just asked for clarification if they feel they are being attacked, it would help. If someone has unintentionally caused offence they are usually only too happy to set the record straight and clarify, or apologise. If they don't, or won't, then all I can suggest is to politely avoid that person in future if they are upsetting you. Which is what happens in real life isn't it?
  10. I agree; those were the two songs that came to my mind as 'not sweaty' when I was thinking of their back catalogue I will allow Mika his Bon Jovi moment too, just as long as that's all it was..a moment.
  11. If it's only Brits who can vote then why are they giving out dialling codes for people overseas? is that what's happening? Or have I got it wrong *goes to look at Brits site*.
  12. I knew someone would put me on the spot Ok, Rule the World is sweaty, and as for Mika, I find Erase perspires freely too. Or rather, Mika did when he wrote it staring at his brief of "American radio-friendly MOR power ballad to stick on end of LICM in US". There, I've said it *runs away*
  13. I don't mind 'Shine' either actually and although I'm no fan of TT I do think they are better than the average boyband. A few of their songs are sweaty though But then I could name one or two sweaty Mika songs if I dared to on here But I value my life so I won't... I'd rather see Shine win than Bleedin' Love, anyday. But Grace Kelly should win!! *has a serious deja-vu moment*
  14. *studying hard* I'm guessing all Westlife's songs fall into the cheesy + sweaty category. You could draw a Venn diagram to show the relationships between cheesy/sweaty (please, don't... )
  15. Great review. Thanks:punk: I love the bit about Mikey's Beatles wig .
  16. :roftl: Sweaty, I love that! I'm going to use that in place of cheesy now (cheesy is so overused these days:naughty: ). Maybe sweaty and cheesy aren't the same though. Though cheese can be sweaty too. LOL I'm talking c**p!!!!
  17. Yep, it may be Monday morning but I'm sharp as a tack:mf_rosetinted:
  18. LICM is the only one of the Best Album Brit nominees in the current Top 10. It really should win that award! People are still buying this after a whole year for a reason and this should be acknowledged.
  19. Thanks for posting - I do read Planet Sound but it's usually a Mika free zone. I suppose they couldn't get away with not mentioning his name in a write-up about the Brits though I'm sure they tried . Fred - when you say the odds against Mika have dropped, for which award do you mean???
  20. Yeeeaaaaah come on Mika!!!!!! I remember watching the Brits last year and thinking 'this time next year, Mika will be all over them' I'd love him to pull off the Best Album one, against the odds!
  21. Congrats on your Mikaversary! Only 9 days till mine - amazing how fast that year has gone though!
  22. COME ON YOU REDS It woh Proper Bo I tell thi I can't believe my team beat Liverpool, I'm still in shock, I may have to go to Wembley Wonder who we will draw tomorrow...??
  23. Totally agree with you. I said the same a few pages back and I meant it. I obviously get stroppy when I'm sleepless at 2am , what I need now is a good documentary about fat girls to calm me down.
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