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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. Well there you are, then. We should be careful what we wish for . Perhaps Mika is scared to end up like PW. It's definitely the control freak in him isn't it. It sometimes makes me wonder if there isn't a slightly autistic-spectrum thing with Mika, at a very low level obviously. The degree of control and predictability he seems to need in many aspects of his life is reminiscent of some autistic spectrum children I have worked with. In which case Mika would find it very hard to ever be completely spontaneous. If it's true that his school wanted him diagnosed as such (I don't know if it is - I've only ever seen it said in one article) then I can almost see why they may have had concerns.
  2. If he isn't careful he is going to end up with a MULLET though. i can't believe how close to a mullet that is. My eyes do decieve me surely.
  3. If he goes completely the other way and starts spouting stream of consciousness c*** all through the gig someone will soon be begging for the Billy Brown tale again. *disgruntled fan yells*Oh God Mika enough of the spontaneity, it's not working for me, just tell us about that Victoria Wood documentary again pleeeaassse *sigh of relief from Mika*well I was sitting in a hotel room at two in the morning.....
  4. Yes, I know you have addressed that issue and I do understand your points, and respect your opinion. I just needed to express mine!
  5. Caroline you always speak sense girl! I don't know what to make of the purpose of this thread really. If I'm honest I think it is being critical for the sake of it. Mika is doing a great job, he's still relatively new to all of this, he puts on a fantastic live show that puts many other artists to absolute shame in terms of effort, creativity and talent; he is by general critical consensus highly charismatic on stage and generally leaves his audiences on a high from the exuberance and quality of his performance. Am I wrong? I for one forgive him his repetitionary banter. If I were rich enough/lucky enough/responsibility-free enough to see him 8 times a year I wouldn't care if he recited the banter verbatim. I'd be going to hear him sing, not chat. A few people here really need a reality check. Not everyone sees a Mika concert week in, week out AND MIKA KNOWS THAT. Cut him some slack!
  6. The Extras Christmas Special was brilliant. I wasn't expecting much from it but it was so good. Funny but poignant too!
  7. Great thread! Monty Python Young Ones Carry On Bo Selecta The Office Extras Peep Show Alan Partridge League of Gentlemen I could go on all night British comedy rules the world:thumb_yello:
  8. Nice try but I don't do flowers. I am a Radiohead fan. I only want misery and gloom, thanks:mf_rosetinted:
  9. :roftl: Go on, depress away!! She'll be eating out of Thom's hand by the end of the day :naughty:
  10. I'm sure you've had plenty of Radiohead thrust upon you lately Akim!! All I can say is, each to his own. I don't feel depressed after listening to Radiohead, in fact just the opposite. Sometimes 'downbeat' music can have the effect of uplifting you with its sheer beauty. LOL. I sound like a pretentious g** now. OK folks back on topic now. Mika at the Wiltern wasn't it?
  11. He is up for 4 awards. Was that definitely the official Brits site? That's a pretty big glaring error to make. And what a load of predictable, cliched tosh about Mika, too The Brits are to be broadcast live on ITV1 on Feb 20th, don't know the start time but it's usually around 20.00 GMT.
  12. Good review, thanks for posting. I really take issue with the Radiohead slur though They are as misunderstood as Mika is. Mika = seemingly throwaway but also deep. Radiohead= seemingly depressing but actually NOT!! Why do people have to label everything. I love them both:wub2:
  13. So it was a reversed picture, like a mirror image?? I hate it when they do that because people look different like that, as no-one has a symmetrical face and seeing a mirror image of someone other than yourself is weird, I always think.
  14. LOL ewok I love how you always throw in a topless just before bed good night!
  15. It hadn't occurred to me that they might actually airbrush his speck out - or his scar. I'm naive, obviously. His little imperfections are what make him so adorable, same as with anyone!
  16. What do you think the Fashion Police would have said if he'd turned up at the Grammys like this: ??? Still 'hot', but conventional..
  17. Ohhhh Myyyyyy Goooooood!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you know what I love (apart from the obvious.. )? that little speck on the white of his right eye. Anyone else noticed that? I've seen it in lots of photos. It's sad isn't it, that one can notice SPECKS.
  18. I also think the scarf was surplus to requirement. But otherwise he looked good and it was just typical Mika from head to toe I knew the fashion police would get him though!! Pah, they know nothing.
  19. I think this is my fave of all the Grammy pics...look at those legs!!!!!! Thanks.
  20. Only your second time Wendi?? I don't know why but I thought you'd been at least three or four times already He is so gorgeous when he says that! Look at that smile *melts*
  21. Sorry to hear about all of that Laurel. What idiots for having to be so abusive, there really is no need for all of that. I agree that people are entitled to (and DO!) have diverse opinions on Mika. The Marmite thing is not to be underestimated...I have heard a lot of really hardline opinions about Mika from some of my closest friends and family. But poor Mika really does get some very personal stick doesn't he. He brings out the bully in bully-minded people (anyone who is different, and/or talented and/or good looking tends to...). When people diss Mika to my face, I just tend to laugh now and say 'yeah yeah, whatever' , because I know my own mind, and whatever they say does not change that one bit. So be strong and turn a blind eye to their 'opinions'.
  22. I get you. I've been waiting for it 'to end' for months now. But it just never does! I think it's because I've only been to the one concert, so far. I just haven't been through the whole process yet - if that makes sense.
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