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Everything posted by Gatagordinha

  1. I've heard that The Hits is going to turn into a new Channel 4 music channel. I assume this is what the ad is for. So it should be on again a few times.
  2. It was in the UK, on Channel 4, apparantely.
  3. I'm getting really nervous/psyched up for this now Don't know if it's just this Springlike sunshine we are having but I feel really optimistic about Mika's chances today! (That's not like me at all )
  4. That's the spirit No point being in denial is there
  5. The 80s one was even spookier (that fetus thing is ) *hides beind the sofa*
  6. I'm frightened to download those pics because I'd spend too much time doing just that!
  7. Oh well, at least that lady recognised the most important thing, i.e. that he's hot Moses??? What was all that about. Thanks for the link!
  8. So the Fashion Police have dissed his outfit? Anyone have a link to that?
  9. I was just about to post the same thing. I too was wondering what they ever did with that ident footage they filmed. I really want to see this but I hardly watch TV these days unless I KNOW Mika is going to be on.
  10. Repulsive? But yes, the first thing I thought when I saw Mika's outfit was Johnny Depp in Pirates.
  11. Better post a pic. Ok then, a Classic:
  12. Well it's good that it was his music that drew you in first. That's the thing with Mika: a lot of people who take the p*** out of me because I fancy him ( ) don't realise that I loved his music before realised he just happens to be gorgeous too. I think most of us are the same, on here.
  13. Thanks avoca. #109, not bad for a part time fan , but a bit pathetic to say I've been here a year .
  14. If you think Mika is great now.....you aint seen nothing yet!!!! Get ready to be blown away! I'm envious you are going to have that first time experience soon (and I wish I was going to the London gigs ).
  15. I find it weird that you managed to avoid his gorgeousness for nearly a whole year!!!!! Still, better late than never!
  16. How do you find out your position? Not that I care , I know I'm a part timer
  17. Have a good time i've a feeling I might see you around here later
  18. Aww come back!!! But if you want to die again....have you seen the video????? :wub2:
  19. Thaaaanks! He is so cute. I love when he steps up to his full height and suddenly towers over the interviewer. I guess he isn't used to looking up to many people! Hope he diddn't get thrown out for stalking Joni Mitchell and her dress
  20. What video where??? (Forgive me, I've just woken up, and I'm trying to play Mastermind with my son whilst simultaneously perving on here, which leaves no time for searching threads )
  21. And Holy Johnny So hands up, who sat up till 2.30 am watching it on c4+1 Not me!
  22. Aw they are lovely pics. He looks tired though! I'm not too sure about the scarf either. But it's Mika and somehow he carries these things off!!
  23. Your Portuguese looks good already, believe me! Sept would be a good time to look again for jobs. We'll have to chat again about Portugal, maybe I'll venture onto the Portuguese thread My written Portuguese is sooooo rusty though. I'm not sure I wanna see a close up of Trombone man, it might shatter my illusions Anyway I'm glad Mika has gone off as I really need to go to sleep. Boa noite e sonhos cor-de-rosa!
  24. If it weren't already half one in the morning then I would, but I'm not THAT harcore!!!! I'm off to bed!
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