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Everything posted by Lucy

  1. I am a BIG fan!!!!!!! Can't wait for them to come back!!!!!!!
  2. I know!!! The new computer I got at work; it AWESOME!!!!!!! Hey I am listing to Satellite but the original version!!! MIKA does it WAYYYYYY better!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. ok then. I guess we just have to wait!!! btw, I kind of miss reading reports!! lol
  4. I'll finally get to meet you!!! btw, good looking dudes you have on your sig. lol
  5. me too!!! Specially now after his mom leaves. He gets a bit sensitive!!! A hug will make a difference, so I hope!
  6. I am doing the same thing. Once I get home, I kind of have to dedicate time to my hubby!!! He still on that stage!!!! lol
  7. To be honest with you, I am quite afraid he will change completely!!. I am hoping he doesn't I want to see more of Billy Brown!! another version! Holy Johnny and maybe CAROLINA!!!
  8. hahahahaha. !!!!! I feel so special now!!!
  9. That is a CUTE pic of him with kids!!! IT goes very well with MIKA!!!!
  10. How do you EDIT the thread?? You have to do it!!!! lol And please my name should be first................. oh wait I guess you go first. lmao!!!!!
  11. She was in a major radio station this morning!!! She sounds lovely no doubt about it. She has more of the American sound. I called the station last week and requested MIKA. They told me that they could not play him beacuse he was not requested as much as the rest of the artists. :thumbdown: I have a friend who works in the music industry and he told me that the managment and the record company are in charge of making sure the artist gets play and invited to shows and radio stations!!! I wonder if the record company and the management are doing it for MIKA. The good thing about Mika's management is that they make sure MIKA has some time for the fans. I really appreciate that!!!!! But like Perez Hilton said, MIKA already conquered the US. He does not need the air play!!
  12. I can't believe he is #8!!!!!!!!! IT is quite funny though!!!!
  13. HOLLY, wouldn't be a good idea to have a sign in list to know who's coming??
  14. I think I would fall more times if I choose the other ones!!!!! I do ice skate!!! It is so much fun!!! My mom takes me to Central Park-NYC every year. We only pay $10 per hour!!!!
  15. oh ok!!!! They both have sexy names!!!!!!!!!! :wink2:
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