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Everything posted by Lucy

  1. I got it at MACY's; is from LUCKY BRAND JEANS!!!! Best part; it was on sale!!! I'll show it to you next month!!!!
  2. I am so STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I actually read all the post and noticed after I was done. LMAO!!!!!!!
  3. OMG!!! You are right!!! MIKA looks young and very BONEY!!!! (look at his chest)
  4. LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! by the way, I bought a hoodie that has a colorful chicken in the front!!. it is so funny. At first I though it was a flower but after a wore it a day; I noticed it was a chicken.!! LOL
  5. Si!!!! Cuando conoci a MIKA en Philadelphia!!!!! y NYC!!!! Hubiera querido decirlo lo mucho que lo admiro y lo quiero!!!!! Te gustaria cambiarte tu nombre???
  6. POOR MIKA!!!! I hope everythign works out well for him. I truly dislike people who don't like HIM!!! He has not done anything wrong!!! HUGS for you mister!!!!!!
  7. I knew that face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE ALL do it when we in LOVE!!!!!! I HAVE THE SAME FACE WHEN I LOOK OR THINK OF HIM:wub2: :wub2:
  8. Maybe it would work the first few people, but he will notice right away!!
  9. I can't wait to see him AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. i Love Him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Big Fan Here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. good idea, right??? I can picture him now talking to john: I wonder why all these fans are falling in front of me?? :blink: LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. I FINALLY got to see the video!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE IS SO SWEET !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I KNOW WHAT TO DO NOW IF I MEET HIM AGAIN:naughty:
  13. omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you imagine MIKA faking 24 years old!!!!! But he definetely does not look 35. Perhaps 30??
  14. :naughty: I guess he needs a break before returning to work. Don't you think??? WE ALL WANT HIM HAPPY BEFORE ANYTHING ELSE:blush-anim-cl:
  15. IT IS MY PLEASURE TALKING TO YOU MISSY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you don't get annoy by me quickly!!! BUT IS ALL LOVE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. That's on the YOUTUBE VID?!!!! My job blocked the website and I can't see it. It is driving me insane!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to get home.!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Why is he helping them???? I NEED HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. YOU JUST MADE MY HEART POP OUT OF MY CHEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE LOOKS................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................I HAVE NO WORDS TO EXPLAIN HOW HE LOOKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I WAS DOING OK. NOW I AM MISSING HIM AGAIN :tears:
  19. Not yet. I will try to speak to him tonight about it. We were planning to go somewhere outside the US. So I am hoping he says yes!!! Wish me luck please I need it!!!
  20. Ahhhhhhhhhhh MIKA looks so fresh and kind of tired at the same time:wink2: but so pleasant to look at for hours and hours, and hours............................ WOW!!!! Look at his face-looks so clean; like if he just had a facial done!!!!!
  21. look at you showing off her photographer moments!! WE KNOW!!!! YOU TOOK AMAZING PICS!!!!!!!!! :thumb_yello:
  22. I hope you are enjoying your day!!!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy your MIKA's CAKE.
  23. Are you serious?!!! OMG!!! I just made a fool of myself!! lmao Well.......................................................................... I didn't see any dates on the articles. I guess I need to pay more attention!!!
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