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Everything posted by Lucy

  1. I just don't see myself doing it. MIKA for me is untouchable. It is so hard to explain it.
  2. I agree with you. I want him to take a longgg break. He really needs it. He told us at the NYC gig that he was tired!!!. Poor thing. I still can't wait. but good things come to those who wait. lol
  3. He is going to LOVE your present. Not only because is beautiful but because you put so much time to it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. I love MIKA more now than before. He is an increbible artist. I now have a goal in my life: TO HAVE THE RADIO STATIONS PLAY HIS MUSIC. I am gathering addresses and names of radio stations and send them letters. According to so many people, the USA is the country of freedom, but they don't want to play his music???? I WILL TRY MY BEST TO MY ABILITY TO HAVE THIS CHANGE.
  5. Someone from the MCF asked him at the NYC gig and he still working on the album. He did not give us any date yet. Keep checking, MIKA has more dates in the US. Perhaps, someone wouls ask him again.
  6. I don't see myself in the video but I was in front of him the whole time. I had this urge to just hug him, but I could not do it not even after the show. I can't still believe I was so close to him.
  7. I briefly spoke with Martin. He came out running. No one really noticed him. I ran to him and just gave him a hug:naughty: I just said: you were awesome tonight and btw, your son is adorable. He reponded: Thank you darling.
  8. I spoke to her last night and she is doing well. Hopefully she can post her report today. She had an amazing time. MIKA rubbed her twice!!!!!! :mf_lustslow:
  9. He came out around 12ish. They always say that, but we all know that MIKA always try to make us happy and wow; he is doing an excellent job!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. After the show, I tried to help jess because she lost her sweater and coat but could not find it. We lost each other!!! I went outside with Alex and Holly and the first thing we did was to buy water which Holly paid for mine. (Thank you sweetie) We waited for MIKA for almost an hour but again it was soooooooooo worthy I would do it all over again with no doubt. While we were waiting for him; Cynthia and Naomi were outside. They did not go to the show but stop by to say hello to Mr. Important!! I chat a while with Naomi and Sarah's mom (sun6chic) Sarah was at the front of the line!!!!!. I love you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cynthia had a gift for John. We yelled at him a couple of times until she finnaly got to give it to him. Finally MIKA came out and he was quite rushing through the line and finally he got to me. I didn't get a lot of time but enough for him to remember the doll I gave him at the philly show. Once he saw it, he remember and told me he had it with him!! That was cute of him to say that!!!!!!!!! For some people this show was bad, but for me it was the best day of my life. I can't believe I got to meet him twice in one day and chat with him for two or three secs. This was my sixth show and it feels like the first!!!!!! I want to say thank you to all the MFCers I met yesterday. You were all amazing!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope to get to see you again.
  11. Jess, I read your report and the pics.!!!!! We had an amazing time!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much for spending so much time with me!!!!!!!!! I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! By the way, I got to meet MIKA after the show and I finally got my doll signed!!!!!!!! I told him: MIKA I gave you this doll at the philly show can you sign mine? HE was I remember I have it;and sign it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. I'm sad and happy at the same time. You know what I mean. And unfortunately, NYC was my last show.
  13. I had the best time of my life except from lollipop. But I won't based my experience just from that performance.
  14. You were the first to go on stage!!!! You were so lucky. At this time I wanted to be skinny so bad!!! btw, you were very nice!!!!!!!!!1
  15. I can see myself in the last pic and I have this face that I am about to cry because he was walking off the stage.
  16. After all we got a chance to chat with MIKA. He went inside for his sound check. We all got very warm after that. A few minutes later we all saw two girls walking towards us with a two bags from Dunkin Donuts. John did not lie to us. He got all of us hot chocolate and donuts. They were so sweet with us. It is very difficult not to love all of them. Around 6pm, the guards came out and put some fences. Let me tell you, there were a lot of people who tried to go in front us. I hate that part of the show, but what can we do. Before we went inside the venue, MIKA's mom came out and his sister as well (Jasmine) with a very goof looking young man. OH yeah Andi came out as well. He stayed for a while with us. We were all singing Grace Kelly, Love today!!! It was so much fun!!!! We finally got into the venue and I was front stage center. First time. At the philly show I was in front as well but not in the center. Somehow, I got separated from Holly, jess and alex. I ended up next to thatpinksock (rachel) and one of jackie's friend. We were very friendly to each other, I believe. The midway state came one and they were wayyyyyyyyy beter than the philly's show. I like them more now!!! MIKA came out and the show wan incredible like always. MIKA dropped the microphone during big girl. It was very funny!!!! No one got hurt though. Once lollipop started, everything changed!!!! People were pushing even more and started to get worse. MIKA started pulling people to the stage and out of the blue, I saw leg over my head and got pushed. There was a moment that I could not breath!!!! I was very scared. But happy for the rest of the gang who got on stage. jess and I<3 mika and alex got on!!!. on and lovetoday as well. continue later
  17. I heard you're going to be a lollipop girl!!!!!!!!!! congrats!!!!!!!!!
  18. I know exactly what you mean!!!!!!!! I can't stop crying either!!!!!!!!. The night was amazing and tiny you!!. I saw you on stage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. I saw you!!!! That was amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Good Morning/Good Afternoon Everyone!!!! I came back from the NYC gig at 2AM. I was extremely tired to write my report. It was the best time of my life. Every time I remember, I start crying!!! MIKA is the most amazing human being that I have never met in my entire life. I love that man!!! I arrived at the venue at 5AM and met HOllyD, Alex and Jess(finkster) We were the very first MCFers there!!! Thank God it wasn't that cold but HOllyD was without a coat which I admired her so much for doing that. Jackie and her friends arrived around 7AM. We all clicked so well. It was so much fun. They were all very nice and fun to be around. We actually spent almost 14 hours together, plus thew show and the after show. I LOVE YOU ALL Around 9am I love MIKA arrived and her friend too. She is so tiny, cute and very sweet. Best group so far!!!. The day was unbelievable. I felt so blessed for seeing MIKA a second time!!!!!! Myself and Jess wanted to make sure we were making the line in the right place, by the way, that venue only had a small sign with the name and MIKA's name was not mention at all. Jess and me went to the side door and banged on the door a couple of times. We finally got a man to open the door and we asked him if were in the right place and he responded yes. Jess and myself went back to the line but then we noticed that the front of the venue had two garage doors and we did not know which one had the main entrance. And guess what....................we decided to go back again to see if we could talk to guy again. We banged on the door one more time and the same guy open the door. We asked him which garage door was the main entrance but he was struggling telling us. I decided to ask him if we could go inside and check it out. He did not hesitate and let us in!!!! Jess and myself were the first one to see the venue!!!!!!!!! yayyyyy. But we did not show our excitement( I guess we tried not to ) we just kept saying "thank you so much; you're so sweet." We finally got the answer and we were standing in the right place. As we were going back. A tall white man walked in and gave us a funny look like if he was wondering what in the hell are these two girls doing here. We said good morning and kept walking.....I hope we did not get that man in trouble!!! The day was going great. We even order pizza to be delivered at the venue. One of Jackie's friend (sorry I do not remember his name but he was wearing this adorable purple skinny pants which btw looked amazing!!) placed the order. We were very nice to each other. Every time someone needed to use the restrooms; the other would hold our spot. When Jess and myself decided to go to the bathroom, we we get a call from someone in line that MIKA was arriving. I use the bathroom so quick and ran back to the venue. We found out the Alex spoke with the man who produced MIKA's album and he told her that he was going to try to get the group to meet MIKA. !!!!!! To make the report short, around 3pm John comes out with another lady and asked us what time did we arrive to the venue and we all said 5am. He asked Alex and Holly if they were the one from Florida and of course they responded yes. By this time, Alex was already speaking with jeri ( I hope that's the way you write his name). John asked us if we needed anything; like water, coffee or anything at all. He said, I am not taking orders but something that would pleased you all. We all said hot chocolate. I honestly believe he was playing with us.!!! Around 2o minutes later one of the garage doors opened and is John again and the main door remained open. (this is the hardest part for me to write 'cause I start crying again). In two seconds, MIKA comes out and we all were so surprised that he did!!!!!!!!!!!! MIKA looked amazing I was speechless once again. I was checking MIKA out from head to toes in a polite way tough. But I pulled myself together and said the first thing that pop into my head: OH MIKA I...............like your shoes he said thank you while touching his hair. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I then noticed his bracelets and said "I love your bracelets; where did you get them from? He just said I got them from a fun and was about to tell me from him but we got interrupted by another fan full of questions for him. I didn't mind at all, we all wanted to say hello to him!!! I was just standing there so close to him and so far at the same time. I wanted to grab his arm and tell him how much he has changed my life but I couldn't. For me, MIKA is untouchable. He is just time amazing man that has my fully respect and I did not want to crossed that line. The other girls have great report as well, but I want you all to read from them. continue..... second part later.
  21. I had such a great time last night. I am about to write my report. lol
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