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Everything posted by Lucy

  1. I hope all of you still interested on reading my report. Well, I got to the venue at 3pm and suprisely there were only 5 people in front of me which I love of course. I immediately recognized Naomi and Cynthia. I went straight to say "hello". They were so sweet. This time I got a chance to have a conversation with them. After an hour Sara arrived, which I don't really remember her forum name. I know is sunshine with something else. We clicked so quick. She was so nice to me as well as her mother. The first 3 hours; the cold did not bother at all, but when it was around 6pm I could not feel my toes anymore. But it was all worthy. Finally around 7pm I met A. Clay. What a doll. She had a sign that said "looking for LUCY" She was so nice and gave me a gift;a flashing heart!!! To make my story short, I was in front of the stage which is my second time. I got push a lot and I have some bruises on my arms. I felt them this morning!! LOL. MIKA was amazing like always. He look a bit skinnier than before and at some point I saw some sadness in his eyes. By now, you might know all the details about the show and MIKA being happy and welcomed by the audience!! Let me go straight to the after show event!!! I waited for Sara and her mother outside because they were buying some merchandise. Almost 100 people went to the back door waiting for MIKA At that moment I knew I was not going to be able to see him but I gave it a shot with Sara. The security reminded us more than three times that MIKA was not going to take pics with anyone or sign anything. The crowd cleaned a lot almost half people left. I previously had an ugly doll for him. I got the same because I wanted MIKA to sign it but at this moment I just wanted to see him and give him the doll. Sara and myself started yelling his name and he went to us. THANK GOD I DID NOT FREEZE!!! I actually had a brief conversation with him. I gave him the doll and said "I hope you like and he was looking at me with a big smile and then look at the doll and squeezed it. I said "I'll see you on Saturday in NYC and he just smile back at us. I hugged sara's mom of excitement and then apologize she was "I understand". This was the best show so far!!! I love him more than before. He is so human and down to earth. I LOVE YOU MIKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I am just waiting for tomorrow to see him again!!!!!!!
  2. I just came back from Philly and let me telL MIKA WAS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 BEST SHOW EVER!!! I got to meet great people as well. I saw Cynthia MUlat and Corina, I met Sara which I do not remember quite well is forum name. ANd her mom, what a sweetheart. THey were so nice to me!! I also met A. Clay which I want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE THE FLASHING HEART!!! IT HELP ME TO GET MIKA'S ATTENTION AFTER THE SHOW :) I'm going to get some rest for tomorrow's show and then I'll write a small report
  3. I completely understand what you're feeling right now:blush-anim-cl:
  4. You're going to have a blast with them!!!!!! Lucky you!!! When are u meeting them?
  5. Good to finally hear an answer. I don't blame her. I recently read the reports of the people who went to the last night show and is making me so anxious!!!! I actually ate a chicken soup for lunch today and beleive me; I feel much better. The fever is gone!!!!!!
  6. Does anyone know where HOLLYD is?? I have not seen her for a while!!
  7. This question is for the people who attended the shows in CANADA. Did MIKA sing "How MUch Do You Love Me?
  8. HOLLY, WHERE ARE YOU? IT SEEMS LIKE IF YOU'RE GONE???? I feel like crap!!!!! Still very sick.
  9. MIKA would definetely remember the poster!!!
  10. OMG!!!!! It is so hard for some people to believe that MIKA has a greatmemory. I bet you felt amazing when he remembered you!!!!
  11. So far, I am loving your report. You were sooooooooooooo lucky to be a lollipop for MIKA. Best memory ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to see him again. I love the version of that song. You just got me even more excited!!!!!!
  13. I completely agree with you!!! Perfect couple. MIKA and Kylie great outcome!!
  14. OMG!!! MIKA + LONDON= perfect combo!!! :thumb_yello:
  15. Oh yeah!!!! I have been to 4 gigs which out of 4, two are unofficial. Meaning: MIKA at Good Morning America and the surprise gig afterwards. YOU??
  16. LOL. I am only going to Philly and NYC. I wanted to go to the Boston show but my hubby is a pain and say no:thumbdown:
  17. Thank you. I am drinking hot liquids like lemon and haney tea. Taste nasty but I have to get better before Thursday. I need to be OK for MIKA I already requested days off this week for MIKA's gigs I was not expecting to get this sick; especially now!
  18. I already requested days off for this week and I don't want to get behind with my work.
  19. Good Morning Evryone!!! I had the worse weekend. I am SICK with a cold. I had a fever of 102 last night and trying to keep myself awake today at work. I am just hoping to get better before Thursday and Saturday. So far the weather is going to be great for Saturday sunny and 46 degrees.
  20. Sorry I am responding just now. I got kicked out and I just logged in again:blush-anim-cl: I am a job specialist. Basically I help people to find jobs according to their experiences and education. It's an OK job.
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