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Everything posted by Lucy

  1. Is a matter of luck honestly. MIKA usually meets with the fans after the gig-no special pass. It all depends on HIM!!! Hope I get to see you!! A bunch of MFCers are going!!!!!!
  2. There are lots and lots of choices here. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Sorry but who's Alice??????????????????
  4. I'll do my search for the books. You are very sweet bu taking the itme and give me suggestions. :thumb_yello:
  5. I heard that at the beginning, he would actually read it. But I guess he does not have enough time anymore. HE barely has time to relax. BTW, I wonder what he's doing right now.
  6. Holly you are amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everytime I read your posts I end up laughing. About the shrinking part-oh gosh then lots of us would not have one at all.
  7. Oh Gosh, I can picture it now!!!!! BUt honestly, is a good idea. In my case I just go blank, so reading would not be good either! :wub2: Is it amazig how nervous MIKA makes us feel?? I bet he does not have an idea oh how we are preparing for his show!!!!
  8. Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening Everyone!!!!! I know the MFC has plenty of smart people who enjoy reading. I used to read a lot but once I got married I stopped. I decided to start reading again, but I need some help with that. Perhaps, some of you can provide me with different types of books I would enjoy reading. Just some facts: I love learning about countries (culture, foods, people, etc) I also like Science (planets, etc) And I like to read love stories but with a punch line!!!! So, please go ahead and tell me!!!!!!!!! Thank You HUGS lucy P.S. I also want to start reading so I can improve my English!
  9. That's a good mind set. Let's say meeting MIKA would be an extra!!!
  10. I agreed with you. He is getting more famous and unfortunately, meeting him will end up as being impossible. Let's just hope we all get a chance to meet though:wink2:
  11. OMG!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe you have not met MIKA yet!!!!!
  12. That might happen. When he was standing in front of me I had this face and:blink: I didn't know what to say. I even prepared myself but it didn't work at all. LOL
  13. I am on it!!!!!!!!!! I feel so proud:naughty:
  14. I'm sorry but we need to face it, we are going to freeze our butts off!!!! But for MIKA-I'll do anything. I have been waiting to see him for a long time.
  15. OMG Holly you already posted more than 3000. WOW!!!! By the way, I just check the weather and the temperature is dropping to 23 degrees by Sunday!!!
  16. Tell me about it!!! The first thing I do once I turn my computer on is to log into MFC!! :naughty:
  17. I registered already. I guess once they set the voting schedule, I would be able to do it.
  18. That is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope he wins!! Do you know when is this show happening?
  19. I LOVE going shopping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am quite busy as well.
  20. I love NY and now even more because I got to see MIKA 3 times!!!!! How are u today?
  21. I go to NYC at least 3 to 4 times a month just to relax myself and see something different. I still get amazed by the surroundings!!!
  22. I am so confused!!!!! What!!!! Please tell me
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