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Everything posted by Lucy

  1. :naughty: Who would play as being the real MIKA here. That is quite mean. This club has members who are 12, 13 or 14. Some of them are really in love with MIKA not only his music, so it is quite disturbing.
  2. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1:punk: MIKA will be performing. I am so happy even though I will see it like a month later, I hope!!! I hope he wins. And My Chemical Romance is one of my favs bands. as well. woooo
  3. I love your MIKA's moving pics. He looks amazing on them!!
  4. Well:thumb_yello: Thank you. Now I know a bit more. I just need to do some research on him.
  5. I would definetely love to see his video on TV. But unfortunately, I have only seen Grace Kelly and Love Today and not all the time.
  6. WOW. :biggrin2: I love your MIKA's collection. I live in the US and we don't really have many mika's products here. I still searching for more thou. I don't give up. Sorry for my ingorance, but who is Michael Lau?
  7. I am so sorry but this is extremely funny. I was laughing so loud!!!!
  8. You just made me smile. I really don't think he was but it would have been very funny. for two secs it was silent after he just smile and said "how are u today? I just say very happy. So stupid of me not to ask him back. :sneaky2: Don't be scared just say whatever it's in your heart. He is the nicest human being I have ever met in my life.
  9. The bunny pic, one of my fav so far.
  10. I am extremely shy. When I met MIKA, it was a brief moment but the best in my life so far. I was speechless At that moment I ha so much in my head I wanted to say but I couldn't. I just remember saying I love your music it is amazing. He then look at me smile and wink me. I gave him the album for him to sign. I do remember MIKA looking a me from head to toes. I felt horrible. I still wonder why he did it. Unfortunately, I didn't get a chance to take a picture with him. my camera died. I was so mad, but I have it in my mind and heart forever.
  11. I noticed that MIKA was lookign at her from head to toes. But he usually does it if you are standing next to him. He did to me. It felt horribly I do think he might feel attractive to her. She very cute. They would look so adorable together Don't you think?
  12. WOW. Seeing MIKA four time is a bless for me!!!! You'll be meeting a lot of MCFers over there. I wish I could have the fundings to go . I would love to see MIKA three days in a row. I bet he would recognize your face!! Please if you see him and have a chance to talk to him. Ask if he is coming back to the US. I love MIKA as much as the other fans!!!!!! :mf_lustslow:
  13. That must be hard to do. I just tried and can't do it. I;m going to do some search and look for a video and pay lots of attention to see it. lol
  14. I love the first pic. He is so adorable. It is very difficult not to feel attractive to MIKA. :mf_lustslow:
  15. He is very cute!!! especially in person. He makes you wonder! MIKA looks like his mom on this pic.
  16. WOW. Very lucky. I would be as excited as you just thinking about seeing MIKA!!!! So, let me get this straight you are goin to see MIKA on november 26th and then December 2, 3, and 4th. Am I right?
  17. This one of your best decisions. You get to chat with incredible people. Have fun!!! By the way, what time is it where you live?
  18. I am jealous and very disappointed. MIKA probably thinks that we don't love his music as much as the other countries. I wich I could live in the UK.
  19. CUte, but I prefer the original version.
  20. Sorry, but what country are you from? And I have not heard anything at all
  21. You guys are the best. Well organized!!! LOve you a lot
  22. I am almost done with my package. However, I didn't get that many candy for VeroMICA. I got little thing that would remind her of MIKA. I got tiny winy lollipops. They are so cute. This is very fun. It got me occupied for weeks. I love that feeling!
  23. I am glad to hear that. I saw it as well. I got so excited that I hit my head in the wall. lol
  24. I am quite mad right now! Reason??? I LIVE IN THE US!!! I can't believe that we are left behind with this!! I don't know about the other US fans, but I ma pissed. I truly love MIKA and adore his music and talent. He has alll my love, support as much as of the fans outside the US.
  25. I live in the US and believe me when I say that I get really dissappointed when a lot of people listen to crappy music. Of course no offense to the artist. But people in the US need to be more open. Most of the people I know like hip-hop and r&b. We need to have more variety. There are a lot of people who like MIKA here in the states but not enough I guess. Let's hope it gets better. What I don't understand is that almost every single gig he had here, MIKA sold out!!!! And not a lot of people do that when they start.
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