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Everything posted by Lucy

  1. About the EP. I hope he releases in the US as well. It won't be fair if only does it in the UK:thumbdown:
  2. I am not sure either, but I noticed that is the same song in all his gigs. Well... I have been to only three.
  3. I don't remember exactly where, but it's on one of his interviews. Sorry
  4. I know. Well, let's just hope it turns out good. I know that MIKA does not like doing videos. lol
  5. Wow PINK whe did you get this video. You are incredible!! Thank you sooo much for posting it. I want to see how it turn out.
  6. March of next year? :blink: I am sure. Where did you get that information?
  7. I know exactly how you feel. Every time I hear his album, it feels like the first time:mf_lustslow:
  8. No. I am going to do some research on it. Let you know later ok.
  9. Lucky you! My mother is OK with his music but every time she drives her car, (which by the way I have a copy of his album in her car) and I play it, she turns it off. When I needed someone to go with me to the two gigs in NYC, she refused to go, so I forced my husband to go with me. By the way, sometimes I hear him singing RELAX and lollipop. :naughty:
  10. I said sometimes and of course I know is not the same case with everyone. Unfortunately, I experienced those people.
  11. Good enough:biggrin2: Sometimes, there are people who are very religious and once they leave the church; worse human being ever. I have seen it, that's why I'm saying it. I support everything, as long as I don't get hurt.
  12. I am confused with religion. I was raised in a roman catholic church. Religion is a very complicated topic for me. I am in between now. What I think is more important is that as long as you are a good person and somehow you believe in GOD (this is the only name I know) is Ok. And for MIKA, I love him (music wise). hehe
  13. That is sooo nice> Unfortunately, I live in the US. I don't we get that channel. I would to see him on TV is better than youtube lol.
  14. Thank you for sharing. I thought they were going to leave them there. I don't know where I got that idea from.
  15. Lucy

    Hellooo! :))

    Hello and Welcome Have fun here. You'll be surprise on how many nice people are in this forum.
  16. Hello Alexandra and welcome to the MFC!!! I love talking to people from England. All of you are so nice, polite and sweet.
  17. Lucy

    Hello! : )

    Well... You sound quite excited and have something in commom with all of us. WE LOVE MIKA. Welcome hope you have an amazing experience.
  18. Do you think the US would be able to buy this album?
  19. I think chew chew wants the lolllipop and probably will ask the lollipop girl where to get them. hehe
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