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Everything posted by Lucy

  1. WOW. DO you think he talks to his top friends? It might sound a bit freaky or cucu, but I once check the page for one of his friends to see if he posted any comments. But I guess he would never do that. He would know that some of the his fans are nuts (me. hehe) and would try to find information about him with his friends. I personally never do that. I love MIKA but would never try to annoy any of his friends to get info. about him. I am obssesed but I want to saty in MIKA's good side.
  2. I am confused. MIka approached Lilly and she was a bitch? If that is the case. My poor Mika, he was just trying to have a little conversation.
  3. LOL:roftl: Mika looks scared. Poor thing.But is funny thou. hehehehe
  4. This sounds like fun Count me in please
  5. You are correct norwalk. We should not believe everything we read. Is just the picture kind of go with the story. Mika seems annoyed. Probably someone at the party said something to him and he didn't want to stay, Which I would have done the same thing.
  6. What was MIKA doing there anyway? Maybe MIKA was cranky. He looks annoyed in the pictures. The guy who wrote the article is a fart!!! I also hate the comments people left for the article. K. West is talented on his music and MIKA is talented on what he likes. Just because they don't like MIKA's sound that doesn't mean he is not talented. This is the reasom why sometimes I hate being in the US. People are so close minded for new sounds and changes.
  7. Me either!!!! :tears: I click where it says vote but it doesn't take to another page or anything.
  8. You are so clever:thumb_yello: . I definitely like to participate.
  9. :naughty: lovestoned is a weird song. I don't get it
  10. WOW. Good thinking. I wonder if some fans are already getting tired of MIKA?!
  11. Mika looks a bit annoyed and upset. I wonder what was going on?!
  12. I agree with you. He shows us what we want to see, but It is part of him as well. Every human being has a good and bad side. And of course, MIKA totally has a bad side too. lol. I just wonder how bad it is. :biggrin2:
  13. I want to become successful because he derserves after all the hard work. But at the same time I want to continue having the intimacy with him. Unfortunately, that is the way it goes. Let's just hope he does more small gigs instead of just one big arena.
  14. Thank you very much PINK! I hope this time works well. I can't wait to start
  15. I agree with you Ioana. MIKA is so happy all the time, he probably has one already. I will feel weird at the beginning but hey he needs someone as well.
  16. hello quick questions I was paired with mad_about_mika-89. I sent her a PM to arrange addresses but I didn't get an answer? Can I be paired with some else. ?
  17. I have more people. I want to thank MIKA's mother for giving birth to the most amazing, talented human being, MIKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And MIKA (of course) You have changed my life completely. Thank you so much for making my life interested again and actually helping me to be OK with who I am. And last ALL THE MFCERS!!!!!!!!!! Thank you sooooooooooooo much for making feel like I belong to something. MUAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh
  18. I have some thank yous for MFCers: I would like to thank soon-to-be-mrs penniman for taking the time and asnwer my postings. I would like to thank lovetoday for being so hyper and funny. I would like to thank bonjournemika1990 for her amazing stories. Sivan for just being her Kjoshi for being very polite and sweet freddiesdouble for helping us at the GMA. I got to see MIKA and partially met him. hehehe
  19. OMG BRianna. I am so sorry to hear about the divorce. I am also married and I really don't ask him what do because he already knows the answer. However he got really mad when I told him that I was leaving the house at 2:30Am to go and see another man. He was not happy at all. But he knows how I am since he met me. And of course, he doesn't know I have the hots for MIKA. hehehe
  20. OMG!! That is so great. I hope it helps him here in the US.
  21. I hope you don't mind me saying but you look like this actress, I really don't know her name but she was in that movie "She's all that" with freddie prince jr. I'm not sure if you know who I am talking about. I know how you feel about MIKA's message. It just make me love and appreciated him more. :blush-anim-cl:
  22. Thank you so much for posting the pictures. I know now why he wa so happy to get it. Good job for all the fans that participated.
  23. Cazgirl, this is off the topic on this thread, but the avatar pic, is that you?
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