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Everything posted by Lucy

  1. OMG. I like it. He's so cute!!!!!!!!!!! I am glad ABC asked him to do it. I hope people start to realize how amazing he is.
  2. Thank you so much for this awesome idea. And now is time for me to express how I feel about this forum. First, I want to thank every single person in this forum. You have been the nicest people ever. I feel like if we all friends. Second, a big thank you to MIKA'S mom. She is the reason why MIKA exist now. Third, MIKA. I don't have much to say to him because I get a rush of feelings in my heart. I admire him so much for being such a gentlemen, polite, sweet, inteligent and adorable person. LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Happy 24th Birthday MIKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you have lots of fun and rest as well. Love you forever and ever and ever................................ Send millions of kisses and hugs. You can use them any time you want hehehe
  4. Exactly soon to be mrs penniman. Not a lot of people know who he is but enough know him to sold out every show he did in the US. He is not even nominated for the MTV VMA which I am very upset. Other people with silly songs are nominated. Not to offend anyone but lil' mama is nominated and for me she sounds aweful. Well, let's hope he has more popularity next time he comes to the US. However, I am to give him a hug before he get any more famous hehehehe
  5. WOW. MIKA is not wearing skinny pants. He looks amazing. :biggrin2:
  6. Thanks BIANCA. I want to see more if you don't mind. Muah
  7. I'm already paired up with someone. However, what do I have to do next. I already sent her a PM.
  8. I look at him and at mika's picture and didn't find any similarity. SORRY. Mika has something that most guys don't. I don't know what it is thou.
  9. I totally agree with you finkster. I heard those girls as well. I saw MIKA's face and he didn't seem so happy to hear that. I bet he was embarrassed a bit. I love MIKA to death and I think he is such a great looking man. But above that, what I really love and respect about him is how innocent and funny he is. If he ever read this I want him to know that my love is for his talent and being such a nice and polite guy.
  10. I live in NJ and what channel is that please let me know thanks
  11. Let me say this one more time. I think I was the first one to write that about MIKA. As I answered previously, I don't believe MIKA would discriminate his fans. I love him as much as the other fans. I respect him for his talent and admire his honesty to all of us. I don't want any of the MFcers to believe that I think MIKA is a ______. I LOVE HIM AND LET JUST LEAVE LIKE THAT. IT WAS MY CO-WORKER WHO READ CYNTHIA'S STORY AND SAID THAT. I just mentioned in one of my postings.
  12. I didn't mean to make anyone upset. I believe myself that MIKA is not racist. I am definetely not white he was nice to me as well. My friend sometimes reads the forum and he was following cynthia's story. What I wrote earlier was mine co-wroker opinion, not mine. However, I was intimidated by MIKA, I froze but not because he wasn't nice just because I couldn't take someone looking at me straight into my eyes!!!
  13. me too. MIka is the only artist that I have been so closed and show so much care for his fans. He was making sure all the fans were listening to him. I love MIKA and always will. We all have bad days and cranky days. we are so used to see him smiling at everyone and being so kind. I want that picture of mika in my memory forever.
  14. It's not my opinion soon-to-be-mrs penniman. My co-worker read cynthia's experience and he is a guy and when he read that was the first thing that came out of his mouth. I really don't think and hope he is not. But I am not sure. I am very confused right now.
  15. After reading Cynthia's experience. I am now scared of MIKA:sad: I kind of met him. He was surround by a lot of people when I got so closed to him and atually begged him to sign my cd. While he was signing it the only thing I saif to him was "I love you as much as your music" he looked up and smile and wink me. I felt like wow. He seem scared thou. I was looking for meeting him again but this time actually say something that makes more sense. But I don't know if he is going to be friendly. I hopes were at 100% now it went down to 45%. :crybaby: :crybaby:
  16. I am so sorry to read about MIka's reaction. Probably he was not feeling well. He seem very tired. One thing I would like to metnion. My co-worker reads the forums and he has been following your story. my co-worker might be wrong, at this moment I really don't know what to think. Let me tell you what he said. He first mentioned that MIKA probably thinks that you guys are going to sell whatever he signed for you and he might like the idea. Or he just doesn't like fans who are nice white. I don't agree with him because I am not white and mika smiled at me and wink me eventhough I didn't talk to him at all. Let's just hope your story gets better
  17. We love you too!!!! And your writing is fine. We just want the story.
  18. Thank you. I was checking mikasounds and mikamyspace. I didn't see any dates.
  19. I hope I get another chance. I have been asking this question to everyone who went to GMA. By any chance do you know, where he was heading after NYC? He has like two more gigs for August and then no dates for September and October.
  20. Good for you. I had him in front of me and was speechless. Ididn't know what to say. He just look at me and smile. I feel horrible now.
  21. OMG. You were right. He looks amazing. He is sooooooooooooooooo cute.
  22. i Love His Hairy Hands And His Lips.
  23. Lucy

    Can you??

    Same here Clare, I sound like him. My mom never heard him laughing until I showed her the video where he is. And she was like "OMG, you sound like him. That is scary":roftl:
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