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Everything posted by Lucy

  1. Cynthia, Thank you so much for taking the time and tell us your experience. I write so well that you just brought me back to GMA. I can't wait for the next part. Please tell me if you met mika. I can't wait.
  2. Thank you so much. I have seen other video but I couldn't see her. On this video, I see her clearly. OMG! she is almost as tall as mika. She is very beautiful just like mika.
  3. Oh yeah!!! We all have experiences like this about MIKA. He just makes you very excited to hear his music. Eventhough I hear on my IPOD like 24/7. There is no day that I don't hear MIKA.
  4. It was very nice for them to do that. We got a chance to be inside with him!!!!
  5. Cynthia I can't wait for you to finish your report. I bet you still tired. I spoke with Naomi briefly. She was very nice. I saw you inside while I was in line waiting. Amazing story and awesome experience. Question, do you know who got Mika's shirts? Are the VIPs getting them or is too late? I bet you got to meet MIKA. By any chance do you know where he was heading next after NYC?
  6. Well I am not going to tell my story because it would sound like the others you have read. But I will tell you some things thou. I got to meet MFCers. I met Lovetoday, Thatpinksock, Kjoshi, & Bonjourne1990. They were all soo sweet and polite. However, out of everyone, LOVETODAY stand out. She has so much energy. and so sweet. I also helped a girl to get in. I do remerber her name Lizzy and her friend Annie. Very sweet and funny as well. Lizzy was very lucky becuase she got to talked to MIka and he signed her cd. I was next to her but I froze. I couldn't say anything to him. I got my cd signed as well and but mika was surrounded by a lot of people and I couldn't talk to him. I do remember telling him I love you as much as your music. He just look at me wink me and smile. I really wanted to give him a hug but I couldn't reach him. I didn't go to the second free concert. I was by myself and LIzzy and Annie dissapiered. I was looking for lovetoday and thatpinksock but I couldn't find them. At least I got to see mika. He was very nice to everyone. He is so sweet.
  7. hi kjoshi thanks for the letting ud know about the change in location. Are u still going? If you are, let me ask u something. I was reading what DEANO posted and he/she mentioned to line up in 44th st and broadway is that where we need to go or 43rd street and 7th ave. can u please help me if u know? thanks
  8. First, I would like to thank every single person who took their time to provided us with this information and making sure that MFCers are getting the best. I know it sucks. My train leaves at 4:30Am. Right now I am just thinking about other ways to get there earlier. I hope I get in but at this point I am just going to try my best. Good luck everyone.
  9. I want to get the T-shirt. How much is it? and the address is 40 west and 40th street. Tell me between what avenue is the Bryant Park hotel located.
  10. soon to be mrs. penniman I am going to the VIP GMA and by myself. I canget your mom in if you haven't find anyone yet. I hope is not too let to add her
  11. Hey did you noticed these pics seem very personal. Mika is just a big flirt. I am guessing MIka likes to party a lot. :naughty: You did an awesome search to get these pictures. Thanks.
  12. OMG! I hope you still have some forms. I extremely want one. PLEASE LET ME KNOW? THANKS
  13. No one really knows what exactly is going on with MIKA and I really don't think he is coming to the US in September. We are in August already and trust me I have been checking Ticketmaster.com almost every day and no dates for MIKA as of yet. I love him..........a lot but I prefer for him to take a break instead of coming and cancelling shows. By the way, I was watching some of the performance at GMA and the crowds are pretty big and there is a fence that separate the performer from the fans. WOW I am really going but I don't how that is going to work.
  14. I feel bad for the people who were going to attend. I was thinking, what about if people stop buying tickets to see him believing that, there is a chance that he might cancel. I wonder if this is going to have a negative effect on his career which has just begun.
  15. Lucy


    Hello back from the US. How did you find out about MIKA?
  16. You really do or you are jsut saying that because you might be angry.
  17. I am so sorry to hear the news for Quebec. It is mentioned that he cancel for health issuers right? So, I am guessing he will definetely cancel the free outdoor in GMA NYC which is being held in august 10th? I am going there but before let me check the web-site for GMA to make sure. I'll be back.
  18. yeah! I got a laugh from you:biggrin2: :biggrin2:
  19. Jack, I am so sorry if you think I was yelling at you or other fans. It is funny the way you say it. If people would tell other people on how to stop certain actions the way you do it, I will be the happiest person alive. Just to let you know the reason of my font and size. I wear glasses and wear them 24/7. Without them I'll be lost. hehehe. Sometimes, I post messages without my glasses and I almost kiss the screen, but I will stop. And I know some of you have a 20/20 vision. Again sorry.
  20. You got it soon-to be mrs. penniman, According to fans who have met him; He is so down to earth. So, I wouldn't called it an ego just extra excitement.
  21. Yoppappop, correct me if I am wrong, but sometimes you sound irriterated by some of the comments left by other MFCers or extra threads.
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