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Everything posted by Lucy

  1. Really? But most of the pictures he has with the fans. He is hugging them. Maybe touching him in an disrespectful way I guess. I respect him! I just want a hug
  2. I am just wondering. I am not exactly sure how he feels. I would like to know what other people think of it. That's all If I have a chance to meet him on Good Morning America. I will ask him this question.
  3. Hey everyone, I just wanted to start a new thread about are beloved MIKA. :wub2: Have you ever wonder how MIKA feels when we are looking at him from head to toe? At his gigs I was looking at him with such an intensity that probably he felt it. I know it sounds sick but what can I do:biggrin2: . He is adorable. And I admire his talent a lot.
  4. Number 25:annoyed_h4h: !!!! He should be number #1. Well on my list he is!!!!!!!! :biggrin2: He has everything someone needs in life. Great personality, awesome smile, amazing voice and those lips. He looks soooo kissable. MUAHHHHHH
  5. So nice of you to include more fans to your plan. You are so lucky to live so close. I live an hour away in NJ to be exact, and the first train leaves at 4:30AM (suck to be me right now:sneaky2: ) I have an idea. I was planning to give him a little toy. Something small to make sure he takes it with him. :biggrin2:
  6. Thanks for posting the video. I saw it a few weeks ago. MIKA is such a funny and cute guy. He makes me want him more and more (in a healthy way, no dirty thoughts here)hehehe. :biggrin2:
  7. POOr MIKA:tears: . I hope he gets well soon. I don't think fans will be disappointed. We all want him healthy and happy. I LOVE HIM TO DEATH. Eventhough I have not had a chance to meet him yet. I care about him a lot. I will miss not seeing him but it is important for him to get better. He has been touring for almost a year. He needs a break. All my love and blessings to MIKA. LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
  8. Is it going to be available for the US fans too? I would definetely buy it.
  9. I know exactly how you feel. :crybaby:
  10. What in the world is going on??! I have no idea what in the hell they are talking about. They mentioned MIKA at some point but who are those guys and who is she? :confused: WEIRD TV-NO SENSE WHATSOEVER
  11. Count me in!!!! Where do I go for the petition?
  12. Hey xxxRaychelxxx. That is so great. I have been trying to meet him for the past 5 months. I saw him twice already but I haven't been able to meet him. But I am hoping it would happen soon. By the way do you have any pictures. Post them. MFCers would love to see them.
  13. That is an awesome idea:thumb_yello: . Thank you so much.
  14. I am sooooo happy for you. I bet MIKA would be so happy knowing that he has helped you so much. I know what you mean. A lot of people might think we are just silly girls, but in reality MIKA has helped a lot of fans, especially YOU. By the way, congratulations of winning those tickets:thumb_yello: . Have fun and please take pictures. Don't forget to report back to us!
  15. I want to join!!!! I am a mikaneen! :mf_lustslow: How do I do it?
  16. bienvenida:groupwave: I just know that you are not the only Spanish-speaking fan. I love MIKA to death. He is awesome.
  17. I call MIKA "the fat free man":naughty:
  18. Lucky Girl. I wish I can get that close to him. Just for a hug and probably a kiss if he lets me. Why not?!!
  19. Thanks for the pics. I wonder what his bracelets are about? I love bracelets. Does anyone know? By the way, what is that on his face? Paint?
  20. I love him. He speaks his mind. He inspire me not to be afraid of myself. Thanks for the posting. We get to see another side of MIKA. :biggrin2:
  21. I really don't know how he would take it:biggrin2: . We are creating threats about MIKA's body parts?! It is cute though.
  22. Mr. Beautiful looks like if he got a haircut. I love him to death. :wub2: :
  23. Thatpinksock, if you get there before me, which I believe you will because I live in NJ and the first train lives at 4:30AM; do you think it is possible for you to save me a spot?I am willing to pay you!!!
  24. This will be my 3rd time seeing MIKA too. I am so excited. Do you think he would have time to talk to fans? I haven't had a chance to meet him yet. And this might be my last opportunity to meet him this year. I don't know what is going to happen next year?! :blink: The only problem I currently have is that the first train leaves at 4:30AM. I live in NJ. I will probably be there by 5:30AM. I am willing to pay anyone to hold me a spot on August 10th !!!!!
  25. Thank you so much for the posting. :thumb_yello: I loved it. MIKA is so cute. If I ever meet him I would love to ask him a lot of questions.
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