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Everything posted by Lucy

  1. I have to buy something too. Have no clue what I want. I am in between a dress with leggings or jeans . don't know
  2. the subway is no joke!! I completely support mika lol

  3. tell me about it. My GMA experience kick in yesterday:shocked: I saw my pic and just
  4. you are correct. I need to relax!! I can't believe the show is soooo close!!!!!!
  5. You are totally right about having so much to talk about. Remember we can go to NYC on Saturday and spend a couple of hours at Central Park!

    Lady, here is your number: 863-517-0743 LOL


    LOVE YOU!!!!!

  6. I'm scared. I have not received my tickets for this show yet
  7. Hey Holly!!!

    Just stopping by to say hello.

    And again..... a bit nervous about the philly show tickets. I have not heard anything yet. I am going to wait until Wednesday. If I don't get anything by then..I will e-mail them.


    We still pending a conversation lady!! Call me whenever you have a chance,




  8. :blush-anim-cl: I will start tomorrow. with the rest of the pictures I took. See you next month!!!! Have a good night too!! HUGS
  9. :blush-anim-cl: it appears to be very simple!!! :teehee: thank you again!!!!
  10. thank you thank thank you!!! so, in order to post pictures here....i need a photobucket account? and then click on the "insert image" button?
  11. ok let me try. if not the, can I have your e-mail?
  12. OMG...I just post the picture...and its huge!!! How can I make it smaller???? please help?
  13. it was more than that, actually.....and thank you for the advice!!!
  14. http://webmail.aol.com/28200/aol/en-us/mail/get-attachment.aspx?uid=1.26134690&folder=OldMail&partId=2 This is my picture with MIKA at GMA....it looks blurry but I feel so honor to have his arm on my shoulder
  15. you did!!! Mine looks blurry too. She looks soo cute :roftl: thank you holly for the report lol :roftl:
  16. Hey Jamie...

    Sorry but I don't get your message. Museum?? And what show are you talking about?




  17. :blush-anim-cl: it is ok. because I think Natalie and I saw this lady who looks just like Mika's mom but she wasn't her:naughty: When MIKA came out; his mom did as well and then I realized lol Usually my entire attention goes to mika.....everyone else is secondary.
  18. it was nice meeting you too rilo!!! See you soon!!
  19. you picture looks lovely!!!!!!!

    He got really close to you!!!

    and Natalie you are a bit taller than me. I can see that on the picture lol

  20. that is how I think UPS brought them today. because a note was left for me.
  21. that is also the problem. I can't do anything with them. They are not uploading I tried to e-mail them as well and they are not going through
  22. By the way, I am so sorry I did not say goodbye but I was soo freaking excited about my picture and was dying to call Holly and tell her about it
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