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Everything posted by Lucy

  1. Your guess yes...was off lol


    I wish you could be here with me. The last time I was all alone!! and it looks I will be alone again.

    Do you think, I should take something for him to sign just in case?

  2. Well...Mika did the rehearsal of the songs..so pretty much we saw him performed LOVE Today around 3 times lol


    I was just checking a performance from last friday and there were some people inside the studio. But I remember the last time....they had a VIP line and they were let in before the MFC. So I am thinking they might only let those in and we will be outside.


    I have to take the train back to work. So I have to walk from 43 to 34 and then wait for the train. So I am thinking I might be there by

  3. jackie said she was going. But I bet you she will be there all night. By the time I get to NYC there will be tons of people. But I don't really care at this point. I am planning to be ther between 4:30-5am. No earlier than that. And after I have to come back to work, so it is going to be a long day!!

  4. I did my laundry yesterday.

    Tonight I have to take Dinky to the vet for his yearly shots. Poor baby...he has no clue what is going to happen to him.


    And about the GMA...I just made my decision....YES!!!

    I know I won't be able to see him..I was watching previous performances on the GMA for the fall series and no one is inside the studio.

  5. You are right!


    so, what are your plans for today??

  6. It is childish... and the funny part is that most of the people who act like that are even older than you and me!!

  7. I feel the say way with you HOLLY!!!! I LOVE YOU and you always can count on me for anything.

    The MFC can be overwhelming sometimes....That is the reason why you barely see me posting. And sometimes people try to compete to see who gets mika's attention better than the rest...and honestly that is the most annoying part....at least for me.

    You definetely need a break.....I will keep you posted as for the tickets. I will just e-mail you instead.


    btw, I just asked my hubby and he is willing to take me to the GMA....now it is up to my willing of waking up early. I want to go to support him...but honestly do you think my presence will make a difference? I doubt it. But again.. I don't want to regret for not going.

    From what I have seem here....not a lot of MFCErs are going. Everyone acts like a secret..No one wants to know what time they are going there. I know for sure...there will be a lot of people. And I don't think fans go in this time.

  8. wow Holly.....you are worse than me. But we are almost in the same place. For instance, this morning I was soo freaking tired and I was telling myself....do you think you can make it Friday..Are you going to be really mad if you don't go? But again, MIka is the only excitement I have in my life so far.

    It is so strange. Maybe is just the time right now....we might need to take a break from the MFC...at least one week before the show. And then just focus on other things.

    BUT I am excited you're coming to my house though....maybe on Saturday we can go to the movies or the park...just to relax....

    What do you think?

  9. ohh.

    well at least you know coming back home..you will be blasting the CD LOL

  10. oh wow. Do you think Wal-mart might have it??

  11. just curious....what are your seats??
  12. an hour?? What store are you going to??

  13. At least we both feel the same.

    btw, where did you go?? you disappear for a sec.

  14. I am pretty sure I know! LOL

    and Holly,


    I am more excited about the album than the shows :shocked: can you believe that?

  15. I actually been communicating with Sandbag through emails. They just told me that tickets will be mail 3 weeks before the show. So, hopefully we get them this week
  16. Tickets tomorrow?!! That would be AMAZING!!!!!! and of course I will let you know!!!!!


    And yes....I LOVE the new layout....it is fantastic!!!!!!!!!


    I will check ITUNES at midnight to see if my album is available for download. I pre-ordered there as well. And I also got an email on Saturday about my special edition copy. I am buying another copy at the store tomorrow anyways....LOL

  17. Alysia is a very nice boy. He always make sure his mama is Ok.

  18. I feel better now. But my boobs hurt now. I am a mess.


    You borrowed $20 from his b-day gift? Actually, that is funny. Who gave them to him, you?


    BTW, I am about to send you a PM.

  19. I like your short report....Mika was so generous!!!! Thank you for sharing!!
  20. wow. I am getting on the voting mood now!! I definetely don't want Kanye to win. I wonder if Mika wins...would Kanye do the same as the VMAs in NYC?
  21. I LOVE animated movies. They are the best.

    So, what did you get Alysia for his bid day?


    I can't wait for Tuesday either! I am asking my hubby about the GMA show tonight. Let's see how it goes.

    My weekend was OK. Didn't do anything. I was feeling sick..I think is a cold or the flu. So, I stayed home..watching TV and eating LOL

  22. Have fun!!!!

    And tell me about it.



  23. is voice is more than magic!! LOL

    He is soo fascinating!!!! He gives me goose bumps every time I see him perform! No matter what song he is singing.

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