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Everything posted by Lucy

  1. 3 out of 5! Please, this is wayyyy better that LICM!! Maybe the writer was tired!!
  2. RAIN is my favorite so far. Besides TOUCHES YOU, I SEE YOU, ONE FOOT BOY and PICK UP OFF THE FLOOR.

    well.....I love all the songs:biggrin2:

  3. Thank GOD they are good LOL

  4. RAIN was and still my favorite!!! I am at work right now listening to his album LOL


    so, what are the dreams about? that's weird about you dreaming of the philly show only??

  5. Keep enjoying the album...because I will LOL


    Thank you so much for your words!!!


    LOVE YOU!!!!!!

    Have fun this weekend and


    HAPPY B-DAY to Alysia in case I am not here on his day!!

    Give his plenty of hugs from me ok?


    LOVE YOU and have a good night.

  6. I have to go now....I have to iron some shirt for my husband before he comes back from his meeting:badmood:

  7. He goes to fast.......right? or maybe I am too SLOW!!!



  8. I LOVE your smiley!! lol


    I am listening to pick up off the floor!

  9. ohhh...that's the song I pay least attention lol

  10. What the hell, holly...you got 988 friends???!! WOW :blink:

  11. what?? don't get it:blush-anim-cl::blush-anim-cl:



    by the way, are you at the library? or home?

  12. I LOVE every song...so far...don't know which one gets me more excited lol

  13. I know!!! I am singing away.....well at least trying
  14. OMFG!!!

    PICK UP OFF THE FLOOR.................. it is AWESOME!!!!!!!!

    sexy song....listen to his voice!!

  15. Dr. John!!! LOVE IT!!!!!:woot_jump:


    And I am soo glad you are listening to them

  16. TRUST ME HE KNOWS!!!!!!!!! We all have jobs LOL If I go.. I have to return to work right after
  17. You are geniuses!!! That it an AMAZING book!!!!!!!! And I love how you got a hug from him :fangurl:
  18. I am going to see him next month..If they have them... I could get them for you ok?? They are really cute. I got mine right after the acoustic show lol
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