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Everything posted by Lucy

  1. you know what I notice on mika's lyrics?....He mention Georgia plenty of times.......

  2. I am working on getting my hubby to take me there!!
  3. I love TOUCHES YOU and ONE FOOT BOY!!! and pretty much the whole thing :teehee: You got the lyrics!??!!! LUCKY YOU!!!
  4. Thank you so much! I enjoy watching MIKA being interviewed!!
  5. it is cruel!!! But the beat makes it right. Can you imagine the person's face when he or she found the letter on the table???
  6. I agree!!! it kinda ruins the song and I LOVE the beginning of TOUCHES YOU and ONE FOOT BOY!!!
  7. it is!!!! And if you check MIkasounds right now....thet have another link where you can here 30sec of each song.
  8. same here but at another site that was posted it on Mikasounds. I was fooled...
  9. I have to go now.....hopefully I get the chat later.



  10. I click on the new album and it said that I need to sign up. Anyone else with this message?
  11. I know!! But I think I am going.....just to support him
  12. Dinky said thank you :biggrin2:

  13. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! to your dad

    same as dinky!


    sorry then


  14. Blue Sky You are amazing....Thanks a bunch for posting the pictures!! I can't wait for next week and give my own. I wonder if the US version will have stickers and the AMAZING art work. This week is going to be a longggg one
  15. I will...

    I was lookign forward to meet you again....maybe some day....And If I can I will give him a very tight and long hug for you and me:biggrin2:


    By the way, what kind of job to do have?

  16. Hey Melanie!!

    Are you coming to NYC next Friday for the GMA show?

    I am thinking about it.

  17. well....I don't know about all night..because I kinda need to tell my hubby...I might be there early though.
  18. I think I am. Just to support him!!

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