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Everything posted by Lucy

  1. I love the video!!!!! and you were not having a bad hair day!! It look fabuloso!!!! How long were you all at the hotel??
  2. I hope to go and see you there. Do you think is going to be the same as the last time??
  3. Are you going to GMA??

  4. No problem!!!!! Hope to meet you some day. It took me two years to ask him for one
  5. I NOW!!! sometimes it is better to just ask him anything instead of pics or autographs. I prefer hugs instead BTW, Caz...................you are soooo cool!!!!!! You are of the few mfcers that actually replies....at least to me!! so........................... Thank YOU
  6. I know....I would just like to go and support him you know...even If I don't go inside.
  7. I will try. I was there when he did it the first time. I was lucky enough to go into the studio. But I entered because of the fan club. I don't think we are going to be that lucky this time
  8. IF I go...I will be risking to go by myself.....I just hope my hubby is ok by me going there!!!
  9. that was YOU asking him? HE answered sooo relax!!! He does look a little dazed
  10. HEY!!

    are you coming to NYC for the show?

  11. Are you avoiding me, missy??

  12. I just saw it! Poor mika! I guess it was difficult for all of them not to be tempted. he was shirtless and he does look really H O T! But I don't think I will ever touch him like that even if he was in front of me
  13. OMFG!!!! Mika was about to have a big ass bump but thank GOD!! people saved him!! and yes people were all over him...But I don't think he minded .
  14. Question...Twilight has two movies. Including the one that is coming out?? I saw the preview on the VMAs and I LIKE IT!!!!

  15. MIKA is coming to GMA again!!!!

    We just don't know the date yet

  16. I will try my best to go at least to one of them.
  17. I am glad she did Tay!!!!

    how r u??

    how are your brothers treating you??

  18. If Mika is not recognized as he should be in the US...it is the US who is missing on him!! He is brilliant. But the radio won't play him because..........
  19. I did the same thing with Dinky. I was on here reading a report I think. So, I went to put some clothes in the laundry and he always follows me to the room. After an hour, I noticed he was missing and then I started to call his name but no answer. Then I went to open the door and there he was that movies was awesome!!!!!
  20. Thank you for posting!! I love the part about h is mom. I am 28 years old and married and still answers to my mom!! LOL
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