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Everything posted by Lucy

  1. :teehee: I am so nervous that I have no words to say:blink:
  2. I wonder how big is the front row though...we all want to be there:naughty:
  3. Holly...I just check my e-mail account...and nothing yet. I know is killing you to know and trust me...I am dying as well :aah:
  4. omg me too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Good night again!! I am leaving now.....
  6. maybe if I drink beer..........................look at mika
  7. i don't know...Now I just have this big red spot on my abdomen
  8. HOLLY give ALYSIA a hug from me ok
  9. I have to go now.....................hubby needs computer. And ladies something bit me HAVE A GOOD NIGHT HOLLY AND MOM4MIKA!!!
  10. It is hard to show my feelings or better.....write them........I have so much to say but don't know how to put them together.
  11. you been hugged by lucy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. but he was more smiley and more talkative when I first met him. But you are right...he is a teenager anyways
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