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Everything posted by Lucy

  1. I know right.....I thought we had to wait until Sept 7th. But I guess not
  2. I saw it this morning when I was getting ready to go to work!! I was wait.......it's mika's b-day and this is a present for me:biggrin2: I got the video and the single and preorder the album!! yayyyyyyyy
  3. OMG!!! This is incredible!!! I will try my best to go to at least 3 shows!!!!


    and guess what..................the US ITUNES has the WAG video and I just got it!!!!:biggrin2::biggrin2::biggrin2: NOW the video will be with me everywhere and the good thing is that I could also play it as the song:biggrin2::biggrin2:

  4. what?!?!?!


    where did you hear that??

  5. Hey Holly...........

    guess what MTV is playing the VMA performance through the years and my boys are on now :pbjt::pbjt::pbjt:

  6. I see that you are on the RUfus MODE again!!!! I am between Mika and BSB lol
  7. I heard it as well. I was with HollyD and her children. I heard it first and then I told her to quiet and the we both saw his name at the credits part. We both screamed soo loud at the hotel :naughty:lol
  8. Hey Holly Oaks!!!


    I am in MIAMI already. This is the address of the hotel. You can call me anytime ok?

    Can't wait to see you. I won't be able to be here at all...so if you need me please call me.


    The Westin Colonnade

    180 Aragon Avenue

    Coral Gables, FL 33134


    LOVE YOU!!!

  9. no way!!!!!! Maybe if I listen enough I will get to like him!!!! and besides....you listen to me lol
  10. I wonder if he can tell we drool for him...you know...we never say anything like "I love you" or "take your shirt off". we keep ourselves well together
  11. I love mika!! but like this:wub2: not like
  12. I bet you look adorable in a bathing suit...you just don't want to.

    Feel free with me ok....

  13. LOL! you know...now that i think about it....I never felt like that for anyone not even my toy boy. Sometimes my friend...that one I told you about? remember?
  14. Mika is sooo freaking H O T ! LOVE his body and his hairy all over!!!


    honestly..i try not to think what people say about me....and try to enjoy the water.....finally.....after 28 years lol

  15. I am married and I know exactly how you feel....confusing but I guess we like it lol
  16. :lmfao: if I had mika's body I would definitely wear that bikini. I have a one piece bathing suit lol
  17. At the beginning....I used to post everything on my wall and then wonder what the hell i did wrong :lmfao:


    I can't wait to see you again!!!

    We are going swimming right??

  18. It feels really amazing being alone....It is not I don't love him....I just need space.....do you think that is wrong??

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