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Everything posted by Lucy

  1. rememeber he say this album is about his adolence....so it kind of makes sense for your sister to say that. lol
  2. Thanks for posting this. I guess Radio 2 play the single already:shocked: I thought it was for Monday.....or Did I miss something?
  3. Deb. Question, What about if you bought tickets for a show through Mikasounds and received the code. Can we still validate those?
  4. If I am not mistaking.......I will have to be up at 4am in order to hear the single.. Anyone else in the US with the same time zone?
  5. watching "Mas Sabe El Diablo" in Telemundo. The dude is cute lol
  6. I am so happy he is getting good reviews....specially in the US. I hope this album helps him get more recognition because he is sooo talented and is a waste if we don't hear his material on the radio.
  7. In my opinion....based on the EP...I think the new album is going to be amazing...But I always try NOT to expect more so I don't get disappointed...
  8. This article makes want the album even more!!!!!! I can't wait!!!!!
  9. Sorry I logged out so quickly but my supervisor was coming to my office and I had no choice. lol


    I can't wait for the album either!!!

  10. hey oaks!!!


    How are you??

    I am trying to get Radio 2 for Friday to hear Mika....I did!!!

    Now I just hope it works for me.....

  11. OMG.....how embarrassing.....Thank you
  12. I am listening to Radio 2 now....anyone knows what time they would play Mika....or did I miss it already???
  13. Another Cinderella Story...................nothing else on TV:teehee:
  14. Let her know that she looks gorgeous! and like a rock star!!!!!!!!

  15. I lOVE the picture!! He looks mature lol
  16. Getting ready to go to bed...I'm tired tonight.


    Have a good night



  17. I know!!!!

  18. you were soo right about the thread

  19. Hello holly oaks.!

  20. a mika's tattoo????

    OMG!!! I am so jealous!!!!!!

  21. I still think you do! Just wear red lipstick and my point will be proven.
  22. That's awesome!!!! And I do think you look like her
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