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Everything posted by Lucy

  1. Holly and I look sooo out of it!!! I need to get a better camera. Like that one Mana has or you. I need to get better pics next time.
  2. I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEe your videos!! I am glad that you got so many. I get so excited that I can't record and take pics:boxed:
  3. Everything about him touches me so much!!! I cried when Rain was playing. It gave me goose bumps! Eventhough the song is not slow at all. I hope the next album has that song!!
  4. OMG!!! You are sooo FUNNY :naughty:. Thank you for the credit!
  5. And Holly, about you crying........I am gald you stop. But now is me. Everytime I remember hugging him....I burst into tears:emot-sad: (I know h ow silly)
  6. Thank you:teehee: We told them on Monday; You better get ready for us.
  7. I think the number system is the best thing ever!!!! everything worked ok to a point. because once you go inside the venue like the show in NYC, people were trying to cut the line but Andrew made sure the numbers were respected.
  8. LOL! Next time I will just say the actual name LUZ:teehee: But I still get my name messed up I get called Lux or lius
  9. It was awesome meeting you!!!! My name is actually Lucy not suzy:teehee: But I can understand it. You are super sweet and nice!!!! I hope we get to spend more shows together!!!!
  10. When are you leaving? I am in NJ these two days. But I can try to see you:biggrin2:

  11. It was my pleasure spending all those hours with you too. You are super sweet! I hope I am on that video. I want to show it to my friend and my mom:teehee: thank you!! it was magic to actually know and see it now
  12. I had several opportunities before but ended up never asking. I am sooo happy I actually did!!1
  13. All day I have been trying to put all my thoughts together but it is very difficult when you still in Mika's world!! So far this has been the best show ever!!! I LOVE acoustic!!! His vocals sound amazing even if he was sick. He is just incredible and I don't think I will find the correct words to explain how I feel about him. My heart is filled with happiness because I finally got the HUG I wanted for 2 years!!!! But at the same time I am sad because he's not here!! I don't want anyone to think I am in love with him. But I am pretty sure that I am in LOVE with his talent and personality. The show was breathtaking and Lady Jane was my best performing/song!!!! I was so close to the stage that I can actually smell him lol. I was next to HollyD and Suzy. Next to holly was Mana and Sarah (I think) During lollipop, this huge balloons came and poor Mika got hit several times. One time he got hit with the ballon and almost swallowed the microphone!! He was actually touching his mouth to see if he was bleeding. I got to touch his hand several times ( and no ladies I did not force him, just in case people were wondering:teehee:) At one point I touched his hand and he hold on to mine!!! I got eye-contact while he was singing. And Holly and Mana got several eye contacts from him!!!! And OMG!!! Rain has become my favorite song ever!!!! it is thousands times better when you actually in front of him singing it!!!! There was a stage invasion during Relax. I was NOT supposed to go because I was afraid but once he gave the signal to Mana a couple of times and she went on it; I pushed Holly because she really wanted to do it. But a second later, about 10 people where trying to climb over me that I had no choice but to go on! Let me tell you, it was AWESOME!!!! I was holding to Alex(cheesegoodness) the whole time! when he got off the piano and moved to the side to give him space to go to the front. And ended at next to him. I was actually holding on to him!! He is sooo toned and looks skinnier but healthy! After the show ended Christine grabbed Holly and myself to gather with the other MFCers. But then a security came in and told us to go outside and wait for him. We didn't wait that long. I was actually calm this time once I saw him coming through the line. He was going at a fast pace but took time to listen to everyone and gave the priceless smile that I LOVE!! When he was getting closer, Holly gave me the camera for me to record her while talking to him. At that time, I was telling myself.....don't freak out luz!! This will be your only opportunity to act like a human being. I recorded Holly while she told him about us waiting for him 22 hours without food or drink. lol When he heard that he told Holy I know you did and rubbed her arm!!!! I gave Holly her camera and said exactly this:Is my turn....I don't have anytime for you to sign but after 22 hours the best I can get is a hug...he gave me this big smile and said of course. I hugged him so tight and he did too for about 10 seconds. While hugging I told him :Thank you for everything you are and for everything you did. He told me thank YOU. Once he turn to the next person.. I said I hope you feel better and he said thank you again. I was soo surprised I did!!! I have never felt the way I did!! I am overwhelmed with all of this feelings. It is quite difficult to actually talk to others about it without crying. Last words. I want to mentioned how happy I am that I finally met the following MFCers: Brianna, Laura, Suzy and hubby, Mana & hubby, Sivan, Christine, Sarah. It was awesome to see again: my Holly, Alex, Cynthia, & Aimee. And of course Mika
  14. Part 2 I came out of the bathroom as Holly was coming in. She finally got to used the toilet lol. We went out and thanked Britt. All the staff were coming out one by one and all of them said to us "see you tomorrow" I don't know why they said that because it was already Tuesday lol. The early morning hours were very difficult because it got cold and windy. The pharmacies around the venue did not open until 7 or 8. Holly was standing the whole time. I decided to seat on newspapers. We got to experience good and bad things. But most people were super nice and sweet to us. There was a guy walking around bleecker street with a guitar. He approached us and asked who we were waiting for. Holly gave a brief story about mika and showed him the picture on the wall. He then sang some songs about us waiting for mika. I recorded him and will try to post the video ASAP. At 7am Holly went to the store and finally got a chair. But unfortunately the chair was too low and she barely used it. I preferred to remain seated on the floor lol. Holly and I weer already out for 7 hours!! and it started to hit us. But all we thought about was seeing MIKA after one year and a half!!! He is the best medicine for pain lol Around 8:30 or 8:45 Sivan arrived. I had my head covered with a towel Holly got for me because I was soo cold. But when I saw her I knew it was her. She is super nice and sweet!!!! I LOVE HER!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy I got to finally meet her! Then around 9 o'clock almost everyone else arrived. I met Suzy and her husband. They became my favorite people!! They are so sweet an funny..........perfect for each other. Super sweet. I met Mana and Andrew again, Sariflor, and Christine. As of now, I don't remember everyone because my head still at Le poisson rouge! lol
  15. I will try my best to give a short and detailed report:teehee: My mika experience began on Monday when I pick Holly up from the airport. My husband left us around 34th street. We found an internet access place where we spend 90 minutes on the MFC:teehee: When to the venue and met BRITT! Super cool and sweet guy!!! Shortly after we went to eat chinese food. I ate but Holly babrely touch her food. She was looking at the venue all the time lol. After we ate we decided to go back and we both met Mana and Andrew!! Super cute couple and very sweet too. Holly took some pics that she will post later. Then Holly and I walked to the hotel and waited for Cynthia. We didn't check in until 5:45pm. We spend almost an hour talking to Cynthia about the show. The three of us were trying on the masks I purchased for the show which we never used:teehee: After Cynthia left Holly tried to sleep. She only rest 45 minutes. I couldn't sleep at all. at this time, we didn't know what to do about the time getting to the venue. Holly and I knew that we would not be able to sleep. So we shower, dressed and head to the venue. We got there at 12am. And the venue was still open. There were lots of bars around and my God I didn't know that people get sooooo drunk on Monday. We were slowly moving to the venue and the security guy was giving us bad looks. But we didn't care. We were being super quiet. It took us 2 hours to get near the door. People were coming in and out of the venue until 4am!!! Around 4:45am the guy we met earlier came out and he recognized us. He was shocked we were there and even more shocked when we told him the time we arrived:teehee: The guy told someone inside to bring water for us and to let us use the toilets. We didn't want them to think we wanted some type of special treatment but he insisted and we finally said yes. Holly stayed outside talking to Britt's girlfriend while I went in. The venue had this naked sculptures but went well with the whole atmosphere. Britt told the rest of the staff about us being outside for Mika and they all cheered for us. I felt so happy because we were getting Mika noticed!! We wanted them to know how amazing and talented he is!!! I was very surprised that they knew a lot about him. The other shows I attended, the staff had no clue about him.
  16. Yes it is confirmed. The check in is at 2pm though. So we'll see what we are doing
  17. I just went to buy some travel size deodorant, body wash, lotion, tooth brush and mouth wash . for my perfume............I have no clue what I'm going to do because is too big. lol I guess my excitement will hit me once I see Holly
  18. You are staying at Union Square Inn with me!!! East 14th Street!!!
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