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Everything posted by Lucy

  1. wow:blink: That is a lot of planning. Thank God I don't have to fly
  2. Hey Brianna.


    Do you know how to add friends here? I am trying to add a couple of people inclusing you, but I don't know how.:blush-anim-cl:

  3. your dad is F U N N Y ! by the way, how's your face?
  4. Don't get confused. My husband is "ok" for me to sleep at the hotel on Monday night. But I was in the impression that we will be leaving my house around 7pm. I don't know where I got that from though:teehee: My husband is our ride to the city and he finishes working around 5:30 to 6pm. So, I was giving him some time to shower and eat for then to drop us off. Unless, we take the train from my house? I am hoping Cyn gives me the hotel information tonight. It will be easier for us to stay in NY right after I pick you up from the airport. Trust me the airport is not close at all. It might take us almost an hour to leave Queens. Traffic and all. So, we might be getting to the city by 11am the earliest. So, if we can check in by 12noon. Might as well just stay. But I do feel guilty for leaving my hubby:blush-anim-cl:
  5. ok......so I am hoping I get the check in time from cyn today. So, maybe we can go to the hotel. Do you know what time Alex, Brianna and Laura are coming? Because it will be kind of difficult to leave my house early in the day. It was very hard to convince my husband to let me sleep outside. So, I will try my best to get you there ASAP.
  6. we need to discuss the day. On Monday, what time do you want to be in NYC?
  7. LOL I don't get what you two are talking about. I guess is a language barrier
  8. Nice that you two live in the same state! I ma stuck by myself here add:don't forget it is gel.
  9. Alex is the same way but her back. And you didn't know your face was gonna get like a tomato. IF you follow what I am telling you; you'll be fine.

  10. Almost every pharmacy has it. There are different kinds and is not lotion. It is a gel. You caneven get at Wal-mart. You keep applying it until you start seeing white spots on your face. That means it is colling it down.

  11. omg holly oaks!!

    If don't get better within an hour. I think you should go to ER.

  12. So, you two decided to get sunburn together?
  13. Did you check your e-mail last night or today?

  14. missy I told you to put the cooling gel. Sorry you feel worse today. Try to put cold sutff on your face. Like wet a towel with cold water and some ice in between. My husband went through the same thing when we went to Mexico. But we got that gel and it made it better in 2 days.
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