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Everything posted by Lucy

  1. Good afternoon lady!!!!

    how are you?

    Im stopping for a few minutes. I have to go to the dentist today:aah:

  2. Why?!

    We are almost done

  3. Good night!

  4. Holly.

    I am about to sign out. My hubby needs the computer. I will talk to you tomorrow.

    Take care

    LOVE YOU:bye:

  5. Just think positive!! You will be okay. Hope I get to meet the other lucy lol
  6. "NOTE: THIS EVENT IS RESERVED SEATING. This means that your ticket will have a seat number on it, assigned based on when you bought your ticket, indicating where you will sit. This means we will not have to queue at stupid o'clock in order to be sure of seats" I guess is good but don't call it stupid:dunno:
  7. Have a good night Holly!


    Talk to you tomorrow


    Love you!

  8. me too!!! BY thw way, what's your name and age? I am officially introducing myself: Lucy 28yrs old. LOL
  9. He might.but still far. It all depends the time I want to be there. Doors open at 9pm this time around. I think it is a good idea for the hotel. But I can't answer you now. Maybe tomorrow?
  10. In my case, I have to take more than one train to get to the venue! It is quite far for me I hope we get to meet!!!
  11. YES ! ! ! ! :pbjt: Unfortunately, Holly can't come and I am really sad and mad about it!!!! But at least, you are coming.
  12. Hey Holly!

    Please keep me updated with your situation!! I reallly want to help if I can.


    Love you!

  13. What about 8pm. Is that ok???

    I have calling different times. For instance, on Friday I called at 8pm and them 9:30pm. Same for Saturday. For Sunday I called you around 5pm and then 7pm. And yesterday, I called you at 4pm.


    I see you still on line. I just got home from work.


    cam you make it for the show??

  14. Hey missy!!

    I have been calling all weekend and your phone continues to be busy. I hope you get to read this message.

    MIKA is coming back to NY and I already got my ticket.


    Can you make it???

    I am trying tonight again, to see if I can speak with you



  15. Hey Aimee!!! Im sorry to hear that!!! I was not even paying attention when I got my tickets.
  16. I Just got mine!!!! yayyyyyyyyyyyyy
  17. same! Did you get the screen that says coming soon?
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