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Everything posted by Lucy

  1. nooooooooooooooooo I want MIKA with Andy!!! or ME!!!!!! just make out though!!! wait................................am i allow to say that?????????
  2. r u not old!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im tired today!!!!!! you?
  3. :blush-anim-cl: Holly!!!! Im not ignoring you!!!!
  4. this piece of beautiful a** needs to get marry and give the world more mikas. LOL just kidding. I think he will marry but wayyyy later. I got married at 23 not fun too soon!!
  5. rufus sucks!!!!!!!!! just kidding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AIMEE!!! I really need to know what he said to you once you gave him the condoms!!!!!!! PLEASE tell us!! I am dying here to know. by the way, how long did you wait for him? after the show and before?
  7. I am not waiting in line for 15 hours if MIKA isnot there:thumbdown: ONLY for mika:thumb_yello:
  8. I saw a video of an after party, there were lots of fans. MIKA did not even stop to tlak to the fans he was just walking rapidly through the crowd. There was a girl standing next to him and she asked for a picture; mika just turned his head and kept walking!!! When I saw that, my heart shrunk!!!!
  9. it would be quite funny, just picture; we both standing in front of him just smiling but so afraid to get near him!!! What an ass!!
  10. if is true, I wonder when the US fans will get it?
  11. For me, it was the very first time I hear it!!!
  12. the story about his mother is quite interesting!!!!!
  13. One thing is for sure, if I ever get to meet him again, there is no way in hell I am asking him to take a picture with me or even a hug!!!! I was very intimidated by him before; just imagine now!!!!
  14. I totally agree with you. I don't LOVE MIKA less because of what I saw,but I am a bit dissapointed. I know he is a human being and I guess if I will be getting all the atttention he gets; i'll feel a bit more secure with myslef. But it is quite difficult to see someone that you admire so much and love as well act that way.
  15. MIKA must feel a big better where he is now with the HUGE crowd than with the USA crowd!!
  16. Did you guys check the video blog for ARCACHON? It's pretty good
  17. hello!! can I share something: I am a bit disappointed with MIKA right now,. I have lota to thoughts in my head; I just need to put them well-together.
  18. Thnak you so much!! I finally go tto see the videos. His website for some reason was not allowing me to see them, SO THANK YOU SO MUCH!!
  19. New jersey is not a big deal but it will definetely remember us!!
  20. you left me speechless with this video!!!!!!!!!!!!! I reallly love it!!!
  21. I know!! We would be very nice just a bit hyper!! yes I can reply back!!!!! I did it with Renee!!
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