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Everything posted by Lucy

  1. He is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:wub2: (at least for me)
  2. awww!!! That is so cute!!!! I wish I could be there
  3. good to know I am not the only one!!!!
  4. well thank you!!! and I LOVE PICKLES!!!
  5. ohhh I got it!!!!! and of course that look GOES PERFECT WITH MIKA!!! That is what I LIKE the most about him (physically) all of that hair:mf_lustslow:
  6. his eye lashes are fantastic!!!!!!!:wub2:
  7. Can someone explain what's the 5 o'clock shadow. I am latin and yes on this pic he looks a big latin!!! and OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!! HE looks beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. I think is great!!!!! It will bring amazing memories back!!
  9. HOLLY? where are the pictures adn video?!
  10. I am here!! thanks for asking for me:thumb_yello: 'll find something by the end of this week.
  11. omg holly!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!! to be the very first video--you did excellent!!!!:thumb_yello:
  12. This is actually the first time I see it!!!! and yes I totally agree with you. IT MUST BE LOTS OF FUN BEINGWITH ALL DAY!!!!
  13. OMG Jess!!! long time don't hear!! busy in school or tired of us?
  14. MIKA.......................................................... is the most talented, genuine, adorable, cute, smart, funny, sexu, hott human being I have met in my entire life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. I know!! I have been PRETTY busy as well.!!!
  16. :blush-anim-cl: I don't want to read the thread because it gives me goose bumps!!!! and yes ALYSIA rocks big time!!!!
  17. Ok, Where are you HOLLY???? Are you out to lunch???
  18. that shows you how GREAT of a kid he is!!!!!!!!!
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