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Everything posted by Lucy

  1. don't show your nerves in front on him!!!! try to hide it!!!!
  2. HOLLY and ALEX we all agree he is ADORABLE & CUTE AND HOT!!!:punk:
  3. muah!!!! Thank you:biggrin2: and I don't have to tell you that you ARE MINE!!
  4. I was out for lunch and came back a few minutes ago. And yes of coruse I am calling him tonight; if it is ok with you ?
  5. that is sooo cute!!!!! He is HOT!!! but when I try to put him on that HOT description; I get a bit confused! Don't ask me why. it is quite difficutl to explain!!
  6. I know!! but in a GOOD way. I don't want MIKA to get scared!!!
  7. I JUST HOPE we are not on those forums!!!:biggrin2:
  8. ALL his family canmove there as well so he doesn't feel lonely!! LOL by the way, MIKA we are just dreaming and playing around ok, don't be scare!! I hope you do!!
  9. well that is GOOD then!!! Maybe he was hiding from the audience!!!!
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