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Everything posted by Lucy

  1. yep:biggrin2: hey AImee!!! What message??
  2. my hubby LOVES that store. I don't mind going there either.
  3. good excuse to be here for hours and hours and hours!
  4. what kind of salad? I barely watch TV now! I am trying to read more and of course MUSIC!!!
  5. WE all miss you here!!! I have never met you in person but you seems like an awesome girl!!!! GOOD LUCK with everything!!!
  6. Wal-Mart in Florida is a huge deal!!!! My hubby's family LOVE that store!!!
  7. I got home at 6:30 and he was not here. He has a long ass meeting in NYC tonight. He is coming back around 11pm. I will tell him then:biggrin2: what did you eat for dinner? I don't like American Idol.
  8. random question...what's you favorite store??
  9. what are you going to start wearing??? or are you missing a word to complete the sentence OR I just don't get it once again?? LOL
  10. really? LOL well, I am heading home now!! I guess I'll continue tonight! BYE for now!!! HUGS
  11. I am at work; chatting with HOLLYD about MIKA . LMAO!
  12. :shocked: but then I won't be able to see him perform anymore So, no pics then!
  13. I do!; I think. For instance, I know about your lunch, your kinds, dad, mom and work!!! btw, how's your neck??
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