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Everything posted by Lucy

  1. oops I am so sorry!!!! But I told him Aimee is only 21!! lol
  2. I agree with you!!! if me and Aimee would have gone to NY; we had a very very small chance of seeing him!!! And MFCERS act very serious anyways!! Like you say, we were just dreaming out loud!!! the LAST thing we want to do is scared the hell out of him!!! By the way, I hope he washed his hair!!! LOL
  3. awwww!!! Me and Aimee really wanted to go, but she has parents and I have a hubby!!! He didn't want me to go alone and he think Aimee is on her 20's!! I am not telling him anything at all about her age:biggrin2:
  4. hello stranger!!! Long time don't see!! But you have 7000, I need over 4000 posts to get to you!! By the way, did you notice we have a new banner!!! well, new mika's pic
  5. we were very close with the posts; and I am over 2000 already!!! yayyyyy
  6. by the time I got here, you have reached your goal!!!!!
  7. you mean the intro only right??? if that is the case, then yes a bit!
  8. I love your idea of the song!!!!! I will do that !!!
  9. don't we already have a thread about his birthday?
  10. me too! by the way, are you done with your homework?? I was just wondering what club MIKA would go after the show??
  11. It is very quiet tonight? IS everyone at NY? lol I hope someone takes pics of the show and perhaps of MIKA as well.
  12. I think I saw that one. But this thread is basically when Holly and myself are at work. THe way we communicate:biggrin2:
  13. Jess can't go and I doubt Ada would go!! and yes you don't want to risk being away from the MFC and MIKA!!!
  14. I came home early today and first thing I do is check the MFC and looked at the thread!!! I AM SO HAPPY he finally wrote something to all of his fans!!
  15. I don't remember saying anything about him that was improper but again I have a thread with HOLLY about but we don't say anything bad at all
  16. That is true!!! ahhh You just took a bit rock off my head:wink2: bu t don't forget about what I told you on the PM a weeks ago ok?
  17. it is ok. It is so weird that he is soooo CLOSE to US but at the same time so far!!!!!
  18. OMG!!! Ok!!! He hates taking pictures but I will try to get one!! I still sad about tonight AIMEE!!! :tears:
  19. we love him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  20. I got very excited as well!!!!! Isn't that funny?? Now I am here at home wanted to go and can't go!!!!
  21. maybe tonight!!! You are close though lucky us, let's just hope we don't get in trouble some day!!!
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