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Everything posted by Lucy

  1. Thank GOD!! is OVER!!!!! It was a good meeting!! I never asked you, but what was your reaction at Terminal 5 when he took his shirt off?? This was ME:blush-anim-cl: I LOVE her!!!!! I have underpinnings with her face!!!
  2. He wore it once!! I just don't remember which gig was it.
  3. LOL!!!! I used to do that a lot and my mon took me to the doctor!! LOL. This occured when I was younger!.
  4. :lmfao: You always get the best ones!!!
  5. I got funky chickens!!!!! btw, I am almost leaving for the meeting. So if I don't reply right away; you know why
  6. OMFG!!!!!!! This is brillianst. I am putting next to my baby chick!! It is soo worthy!!!!!
  7. No!! I don't want him to get mad at me!! But it is pretty funny!! just in case what?!!! Search for it on youtube. I guess when you get home
  8. You just reminded me of "you made me" I LOVE that song!!
  9. this was just a test!! Incase it does not make sense to you:blush-anim-cl:
  10. I know he is half-taco. but he was born here!!
  11. me too!! but yes!! we had a better line to wait on!!!!!
  12. of ocurse I remember. I was a bit nervous to talk to you because of my accent:blush-anim-cl: But you were very nice to me too!!!!! I didn't know you were jealous!!! LOL by the ywa, how do you multiple reply? I try to do it but I can't
  13. Holly, do you remember how we started though?
  14. I know why!!!! The concert had some great posters but I was so shocked that I could not even go and get one!!!
  15. of course you can. the more the better:punk:
  16. It feels like if I known you forever!!! Great feeling ever!!!
  17. EXACTLY!!!! at least for me!
  18. Holly, I want to decorate my wall in my office mika's drawings. So far, I only have billy brown in a couch!!! It looks great but I want some more. Do you have any idea where can I go? I already look on here but can't find anything suprisely!!
  19. this is brilliant!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are so smart!!!!!!!!! and talented!!!!!!!! YOu just
  20. There is another movie where LOVE TODAY is played. I am not sure if is the same movie. That is a good start!!!
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