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Everything posted by Lucy

  1. I KNOW!!! but I still have the image of the dresser in my head and can't get it out!!!!!!! Is driving me INSANE:annoyed_h4h::annoyed_h4h:
  2. That would be AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:punk::punk:
  3. We would be talking about MIKA though :biggrin2:
  4. I didn't take lunch today. I still feel weird about what I told you. And when I feel like that I usually don't get hungry.
  5. I would go to see them!! But you are not here!!!!! Why don't you come over and we go together?! I can get the ticket for you!!
  6. ok:thumbdown: enjoy your lunch missy!!!
  7. That would be a SURPRISE for me too!!! :biggrin2: If I had the power to bring him to us; TRUST I WOULD!!! He would have so much FUN with all of us!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Do you think now that we have changed the plans, everyone who was coming still coming?? By the way, I will have some surprises for your kids. I know Alysia is the only one coming but I have for ALL of them. I just need a GOOD surprise for you!!!!
  9. I am glad that he is doing OK. Well at least it seems that way!!!!!!!!!!!! I miss him
  10. I JUST found out and I am liking it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:punk:
  11. YEAH!! October is easier to get masks!!!! NOw I am MORE excited that before!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. That is soooo cool. You definetely need to go to Times Square and Cental Park and Soho and the malls and fifth avenue!!!!!!!
  13. I am glad you like it as well!!! I was about to tell you the idea!!!!!!
  14. he is adorable but not like our MIKA!~
  15. http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=298251928&albumID=0&imageID=2342482 AND most recent http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=298251928&albumID=0&imageID=5969274
  16. IT WON'T SAY MIKA by the way, I am freaking excited right now!! There is a mexican-born artist who I TRULY love. Last time I saw him was back in 4/06. He is coming back with a new album!!!! He is awesome!!!!! Let me look for a pic so you can see him!!
  17. what do you mean in 10 years????:boxed:I WILL ALWAYS LOVE MIKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. I LOVE it!!!!! He was and still my favorite actor besides Eric Dana and Bloom!! I saw every single movie he made!!!!! I will NEVER forget him!!!!
  19. I was thinking about getting his album logo on my wrist too (instead of the apple) what do you think??
  20. Now is better!!! Thank you HELEN and I just noticed that mika has the same birthmarks on his neck as I do. SAME position. Perhaps we are related?? LOL His hair grew so fast!! He looks LOVELY and his lips look a bit plum! very kissable I guess; but I don't want to though:blush-anim-cl:
  21. I went back to the pics and read it properly !!!:blush-anim-cl:
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