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Everything posted by Kriszti

  1. Do you have your avator pic bigger, Monshi? I love it, but I can't find it anywhere
  2. loved it! a pilot licence....it's interesting!
  3. Welcome! Have a great time!
  4. Hi Valentina! Welcome to our MFC!!! Have a great time!
  5. Hi Sakina! Welcome to the MFC! I hope you're gonna have a great time in here!
  6. Welcome to the MFC!!! Have fun!
  7. Hi Natalie! to the MFC!!! Have a great time!
  8. Hi! Welcome to the MFC! Have fun in here!
  9. to the forum! Have a great time!
  10. I think Mika would love Geri!!! He even said once that he loves that she called her baby Bluebell! also I'm happy for the girls, I loved them when I was younger!
  11. it's shocking!!!! Grace Kelly is everything but annyoing! I know Mika wrote it when he was absolutely furious but the song sounds positive! It always makes me smile I don't get these people....
  12. I think not everybody should love his music but nobody should say anything bad about it! I love his music, his high voice:biggrin2: but we're different!
  13. it was kind of STUPID interview .... I don't care what they say, it seemed they don't like Mika so of course they said bad things about him! but I DON'T CARE I love Mika even if his straight or gay...but actually for me he doesn't look and behave gay at all!
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