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Everything posted by lovelove_mika

  1. I saw him back in december at the highline and he was amazing live, and so funny, and really sweet afterwards!
  2. I looked and couldn't find a thread for him, if I'm wrong, let me know and we'll get this one closed. But for noww... Here's his very first music video for 'Rock n Roll' He's crazy talented and I know there are a few fans on here, and for those who've never heard of him, get listening and then in a few months when he's huge, you can tell all your friends you heard of him before he was famous.
  3. Ahahaahahaha, I just felll in love all over again
  4. Gah, as huge of a fan as I am, and as talented I think she is, love song was so overplayed,and had such big expectations behind it, not that she didn't live up to them, idk what i'm saying, haha, but she has a single 'bottle it up' now, and I never hear it being played, or anyone singing it. She deserves every bit of sucess, it's sad to say that I think she'll be a one hit wonder.
  5. From Perez Hilton, I assume? l:bleh: I can say, I highly, highly, hiiiiiighyl doubt it's true. I met her for the 14milllllionth time in april, and we were eating at this little diner outside next to the venue she was playing at, and she was so sweet to us, saying how we were embarassing her, when we said we were such big fans. her and all her bandmates are such humble, inviting people. but hey, i'm not doubting someones had a bad experience meeting her, it happens, people have bad days.... *shrugs*
  6. hm, I don't think it's that they didn't get along, I was takling to Javi(er Dunn) he r guistarist once and he didn't say anything along those lines, just that he was a great performer and that they lost touch. But the whole not mentioning him, I noticed that too..I don't really know why. I'm sure it's not anything like she's not mentioning him to spite him, she's too sweet.
  7. wow, hmmm unfortunately, maybe it'd be best to mail it to their management.
  8. $23 a book? That's a lot for one person, we're all doing this project together... i'd be more than happy to put money in.
  9. Haha, Daminico. He was on TRL the day I went,and when he came out he started running everywhere and bowing down in front of us on his knees.
  10. I say we meet 'midway' (har,har,har-i'm so lame) between chicago and new york.
  11. so how many people would actually have the oppurtunity to go? it's pretty short notice and most of us aren't from the chicago area. why do these boys have to be the sweetest things ever?
  12. If you're into the whole drinking/bar/show seen, definetly go to the village @ night! there's so many little places, that are jam packed w/ people, they're pouring off the streets. you should try carmines too, it's right in time square, across from Nokia theatre. Mika played there in june! ; ) it's probably pricey because it's in time square but it's a great resturaunt! Deffinelty central park! if you're planing on going to ground zero, definetly make your way over to south street seaport, especiallyyyyyyy for knock of designer bags and stuff like that. I think the bodies exhibit is over there as well, it sounds gross, but i find it interesting, it's like actually body parts preserved it's supposed to be amazing. there's loads of other spots, once I wake up more, I'll list some more.
  13. what about canadian english? does it vary like french canadian and french does?
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