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Everything posted by lovelove_mika

  1. soo I was sitting in class today and I hear someone go " I kissed a girl and I like ittttttt..." and I dropped everything and went "WHAT?!YOU KNOW WHO KATY PERRY IS?!" and she was like "..yeah,I looove her, I heard her on the radio they were like the #1 song in new york city katy perry on Z100" when did this happen?!
  2. d000d this is such a wonderful opportunity. what sweethearts, really. I need to start clickin' my wittle fingers away and get a bigger photo portfolio. my goal, is to have a mini low....low budget(haha) photoshoot with them. I will do it, I'm determined! I have so many great ideas for them specifically.
  3. Eeeeee! this is just a thought: but did I read somewhere that you were comming to new york? something like that? i think a lot of the people involved with this are form the north-east ish area, it's a long shot, but hey, it's out there. edit: i never finished my statement, haha. I was implying that if you would be in new york,and a lot of us are from new york/jersey area, maybe they'd come to new york.
  4. gah,noooone?! if you've never listened to him, start now!
  5. I have no words for him, he is absolutely amazing. no, he is not Bryan Adams, nor is he the son of Bryan Adams. it seems to be a common mis conception haha. I'd love to talk to other fans, I think I've met one other person who actually knew who he was, haha. His style is rock/alternative/country anyhoo, here's some of his songs! : come pick me up: http://youtube.com/watch?v=dRnoh86FD2A&feature=related so alive: ( <33333 ) oh my sweet carolina: firecracker: http://youtube.com/watch?v=kOSX9VlXANQ&feature=related two:
  6. Ahahaha, I didn't me YOU in particular! girrrrrrl, you know you're fliiiiiii:wink2:
  7. haha, very true. but i didn't even mean to make that joke in the first place haha it kinda just happened whatevs ugh, i have to go to traffic court for a speeding ticket in a little bit effff you cops! wish me luck!
  8. oh god, does it sound like i'm dissing them in my letter? if you can download this, please read my letter! when i say "....well their ears anyways ;]" does that sound like i'm saying, they were unattractive,and that at least they had good music? hahahahaha, oh no!
  9. ergh, stupid resolution. this looks great though, thanks so much for all your hard work Mana!
  10. i loooove apres moi! the parts she sings in russian are beeeeeeeeautiful!
  11. hahahahahaa,me and erin(sinterpretation) always do that, and at terminal 5 we thought we were really cool and when it got to 'mulitply her by 4' we did it,and mika did it the other way. we were like comeon! it was funny.
  12. Right? I thought that too, but you get a certain feel for the keys are once you get comfortable enough. I couldn't tell you what note is what,and can't read sheet music, I just taught myself how to play through ear and you tube tutorials.
  13. I tried posting a thread like this once, that wasn't winny, or wasn't me complaining, i was just stating that i was sad, and just about everyone on here jumped down my throat about it. just a warning, but i feel your pain girl.
  14. oh goodness, i looooooooooove this idea! Aww!
  15. hahahahahaha, that's so sweet of you but liam's just being an asshole, we're really good friends, he was just kidding! but thank you! hahaha
  16. don't mind liam, he's too good looking for his own good.
  17. Hahahahahahhaa look at me laughing, I look rediculous.
  18. Mika needs this piano! haha how effing awesome is this?
  19. giiiiiiiirl, you know you can always count me in!
  20. He only took pictures with a few people that day, we were pretty lucky. my hand was firmly around the tiny little waist of his.
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