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Everything posted by lovelove_mika

  1. Ahahahaha, I saw Baby Mama today and there was one part, where she gives birth,and it's like kate: whats her name? angie: stef kate: aww, like stephanie angie: no, stefani... like gwen stefani the way she says it,and how serious and excited she is that she named her daughter stefani, is so funny.
  2. Mana, I emailed you the pictures. I'll be galavanting the city all day and am going to a concert later tonight, so I probably won't be on until tomorrow, but if you need anything else e-mail me, post it here, wherever thanks so much for all your help!<3
  3. I know! I've been pretty good thanks, on spring break #2. my school decided to split them up? haha. you?
  4. if they appear different colors at different times, that's usually hazel.
  5. eeeeee! thank you! each actual picture? or the individual polaroids?
  6. a little late, but have a safe and fun trip aimee!<3 how are all of you?
  7. Oh, okay great! I wasn't sure if you had anything planned or not. thats cute!
  8. I tried finding a picture of the back of a polaroid so i could pile them together quickly and make a back cover, but I couldn't find any. Did you want a back cover?
  9. fire marshall bill anyone? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8g_arzPICEA
  10. hahaha, aww, I love Jim Carrey! He makes me laugh so hard.
  11. Hahaha this is going to sound horrible but... a few times! GMA when we took a picture,and then afterwards I had to get another autograph for friends, and it was on a small sheet of paper that staff had ripped up for everyone to get signed, and i had to stretch it out and he tried to help (here i go soundING SO GAY but it's the truth) and our thumbs fumbled. Ahahahaha <333 ummm, terminal 5?! during exchange of gifts and talking oh yeah there's also that time, he decided to grab my hand and pull me over the baracade? that was cool too...
  12. P.S, this should be the size of a piece of paper, I did some measuring and it should work.
  13. It's kind of confusing, To make the pictures into 'polaroids' i used photoshop but just resizing and copying and pasting. To pile them together I used paint, then put them back onto photoshop to add the birds and write the title, then used Picasa which is a really basic photo editing program on my computer to get the vintage or 'warmfly' appeal. i'm emailing you everything now!
  14. so, Melanie and Mana, if A N Y T H I N G needs adjusting i will do it asap tonite! as long as it takes me, but I won't be home until probably 9ish. I have a date with some of my ladies and an ice cream stand. oh my god, i'm so gay. anyways, anything, let me know, i'll fix it tonite. thanks.
  15. I love 'banana pancakes' and a few of his other well known songs!
  16. WOW, so my computer has been fixed,FINALLY! I am so sorry for keeping you all waiting. Hopefully you see the difference..
  17. Hey everyone, just updating you all realy quick before my comptur decides to crap out. I have work until 930 tonite (LAAAAAAAAAAME!) the cover is finito, but i won't be able to post it until I get home. Don't panic if you don't see it here this evening, you'll see it tonite, sorry to make everyone wait.
  18. Haha, I've talked to wise and kirsch the most. But in person I talked to Daenen for like 5min and talked to Nathan a little bit. they are all such sweet guys! they make me laugh so hard over the stupidest things.
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