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Everything posted by lovelove_mika

  1. Ah lucy are you really?! She's doing an in-store perfomance and signing this saturday at a record store called Sound Fix in Brooklyn! You should go if you can! it's free!
  2. It's comming along pretty good, ALMOST DONE! It must be the most annoying thing ever to have to wait for this. I'm so sorry everyone. good things take time! I've had so much school work, it's rediculous. or maybe I'm just lazy. just kidding, it's deffinetly coming along and is almost done! I figured out that the pictures seem to be pretty okay quality, so it was just my poor re-sizing skills that led them to look distorted. So a pretty easy fix, I'm just working on making everything more vertical and not so much horizontal. I promise promise promise you will see it very very soon.
  3. Gah,anyone? She's so amazing. If you don't know he music listen to the links I posted, she's unbelieeeeeeevable! I'm going to see her on Saturday in Brooklyn for free. I'm so excited!
  4. Aww, haha. I was doing the usual myspace stalking and stumbled across your page, and your drawings are PHENOMENAL!
  5. Ah! thank goodness. We keep missing eachother, I usually don't use MSN, so I always forget to check to see if you're on. talk to you lataaaaaa
  6. this cover is a pain in the ass. no worries though, i just need to complain.
  7. waiting 12 hours in the freezing cold in some sketchy street in nyc. to say the LEAST, it paid off better than I could have ever imagined.
  8. nothing at all. friday night and I've got nothing. what about you?
  9. it's my favorite place ever, i could sit there all day just people watching and listening to music. That sounds so boring, but I love feeling so relaxed even though there's a million taxi's honking there horns and bums begging for money. I'm getting soppy, I'll stop. I can see the similarity you see between Devendra and Mika. When they both talk about something, it's what they know, and they know a lot about it. does that make sense? clearly, both very passionate,genuine people..people all there own, which to me, is the most respectable thing an artist can bring to the table.
  10. this is off topic, so i'll answer you quickly:wink2: no, we're not. it was bad timing for everyone. It's supposed to be rainy anyways this weekend. But it was 73 degrees today,and absolutley beautiful. anyways, i'm sure we'll all meet up in central park sometime soon,long as the weather keeps staying beautiful and making little ol' me the happiest girl ever.
  11. Right on! Devendraaaaaaa:punk: I could listen to his music all day. BTW, how adorable are him and Miss. Portman?
  12. Haha, Oh Holly. I think when the site was down for a few days she kinda forgot about it, and then couldn't remember it. *sigh* well, I'm off to the doctor's right now. I hate waiting in doctors offices. talk to you later!
  13. Oh wow! As beautiful as that looks, I'm so glad winters over, it's currently 73 degrees and sunny here in new york!
  14. Aw, she hasn't be able to log on lately because she forgot her password haha I'll let her know though, i'm sure she'll appreciate it! So what's everyone up to?
  15. oh my goodness. that is the cutest thing I've ever seen. Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeks!
  16. Aimeeee, you're so sweet, thank you for making a birthday thread for me! thanks everyone for your birthday wishes! Today's Erins birthday haha
  17. Hahahaha,I doubt they'll do things that way! don't worry! haha, I was just saying that I always think that for some reason.
  18. Aw, have fun! I'm not a fan of them, but I went a year and a half ago to see them for my friends birthday with jacks mannequin and plain white t's and they put on a great show. Actually, it was quiet theatrical, kinda like Mika's shows but not as fun. Haha
  19. what the- 10,000 posts?! daaaaayum, i gots ta step my game up! Idk why but I always like to think that once we come official, the people with the mosts posts, will get like more advantages. *types away*
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