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Everything posted by lovelove_mika

  1. woah! I've been here over a year and I only have 805 posts! haha I guess cause I don't usually carry on conversations with people on here, except more recently with you guys.
  2. Hmmmmm well I dont live in the city, but I might as well. I'm always always there. I love it SOooooo, lets brainstorm honestly, unless I'm going to see a show at night, which is almost everytime I'm down there, I don't have an agenda. Especially in the summer, I just walk around and shop and sit in central park. I'm off to bed now, but I promise I'll disucuss some cool places with you gals tomorrow.
  3. I know that Erin and Liam now about it, I'll have to let Neil know soon, I'm sure he's up for it.
  4. - Met Mika? Yes, 4 times! - Fallen Down The Stairs? Of course, but I seem to trip up them more often. - Attempted To Write A Book? Nope - Dyed Your Hair? Never - Eaten Haggis? what? - Been Abroad? Only Mexico and Canada, but they border the U.S - Spent £60 Or More On Something Mika Related? Nope - Had A Spray Tan? No,haha - Broken Any Bones? Nope! - Decorated Your Room? All the time - Had A Pet Tortoise? Nope - Watched 'Jaws'? of course - Eaten So Much You Feel Sick? yes - Been Extremely Embarrassed? of course - Had Teeth Braces? Yep for 2 years - Been Swimming With Dolphins? No, but I would looove to - Been To A Mika Gig? Yep, 5 - Had Children? No haha - Owned A George Michael CD? No - Been To A Wedding? Yep - Built A Sand Castle? Well, I try to, they never work - Wore Eyeliner? Not anymore - Been Sick? No...never? - Had A Food Fight? actually, my highschool made CNN with a food fight a few years back. It was disgusting. Haha. - Met Anyone Famous Besides Mika? Yep! - Cut Your Hair Yourself? When I'm bored - Been Horse Riding? Yep - Been In A Hot Air Baloon? No. I don't think I could ever do that. - Had Any Piercings Other Then Ears? Nose - Collected Anything? Yep - Done Something You Regret? probably
  5. Noice! According to Neil the man candy 'is like you would not belieeeeve' at Emerson. Haha. I've never been to Boston, I heard it's a kick ass city though. Well, whenever Mika's in boston, I'll see you there.
  6. Hahaha,im so sorry! i ended up going to school. how lame am I?
  7. Aw, Neil was telling me about you the other day while we were jumping up and down and hugging about him getting into Emerson! Me and my friend Erin are staying in his dorm next time Meeks is in Boston.
  8. Oh no no, just when the MFC was down last week. sure, no prob! what's your screen name?
  9. Aw, haha I like that! I remember talking to you on Gabbly about choosing a new screen name. Mines jackxjay:wink2:
  10. Sounds good to me. I think I'm gunna be "sick" tomorrow, the last thing I want to do is sit through class.
  11. It had nothing to do with her not having fancy lights or a different voice, I very much like her music, and appreciate simple shows just as much as I do very vibrant shows, I just felt like it was weak. I'm sure it was just nerves. No hard feelings.
  12. I just watched a video of lollipop from the show, and I just wanna shout and dance and cry at the same time, haha. <3333 2.2.08
  13. I really like her music. Maybe it was just a bad performance, but her Grammy performance was terrible. Has any one here seen her live? and if so, is she much better ? Regradless, "we're all in the dance" is one of my favorite favorite songs right now.
  14. Lucy, here's the gramercy thread: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=14096 can you belive it's been A YEAR since our first Mika show?!
  15. Aw, what a sweetie. I looks like my chances are better than I thought. I really need to get my **** online.
  16. Wow, I actually have no idea. I think I read it in an article.
  17. 1. My favourite; Mika outfit- all? haha Mika song- stuck in the middle Mika songline- 'cause it's all in the hands of a bitter bitter man.' Mika quote- ' if you take risks away from music and art, what are you left with? toothpast comercials' Mika picture- the one where he pushes his neck out to make himself look fat, ahahahaa. Mika interview- this one from japan..."HAI!'' Mika video- umm, probably grace kelly Mika merchandise- signed dodgy holiday shirt 2. If Mika; Hugged me I would- hug him back? Shouted my name i would- say " ew what the hell do YOU want? ".....just kidding guys smiled at me i would- happend a few times..smiled back of course! danced with me i would- laugh and try to dance 3. I have __0_ pictures of mika on my wall ___1_ pictures of mika on my phone 4. If i got to ask mika 3 questions only they would be I've gotten to ask him a few questions but other than those, just really random ones... 1) would you ever get a tattoo? 2) whats your favorite country you've been to 3) May I have this dance? 5) If i was a mika character i would be- lollipop girl 6) When i meet mika im going to-done, the first time i told him thank you a few times and he said ' thank you love ' then i walked a block and screamed 'HE CALLED ME LOVE!!' I'm so gay. 7)My favourite ever thread on the mfc- terminal 5 nostalgia thread HOW MUCH DO YOU KNOW ABOUT MIKA? His birthday- august 18, 1983 His family- is big and lovely Born- in beirut Any other intresting facts- can't sight read, dislexic, lazy eye...you know them all..
  18. Look's like they got a new picture: Once I get some of my 'photography' online, and edit and see how I feel about it, I think it'd be awesome to send it to them and if see if they'd wanna shoot. Haha, that sounds so gay but I think it'd be awesome. I have a few ideas I'd do with them. The only thing is the only 'fancy' piece of equiptment I have is my camera, I just like capturing people in the moment, not so much under hot lights and sitting on a couch. So I'd use my professinal camera, possibly some 35mm and maybe a few polaroids. I'll stop rambling now.
  19. Phew! Good, I'm glad. And that is the cutest thing ever about your daughter!
  20. Oh, wow I never knew that! And you don't come off that way at all! hey, I know how it is to explain someone or something that you love a lot to someone knew who doesn't know anything, it can be annoying. I appreciate your knowledge on her and stuff haha. So, thanks!
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