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Everything posted by lovelove_mika

  1. Haha, Kirsch just informed me that him and Wise are skiing in quebec this weekend, for some reason I found that hillarious.
  2. Baby turn around and let me see that sexy body go... BUMP bump bump bump.
  3. Hello! Ooof, do you mind if I get back to you tomorrow? it's almost midnight here in new york and I am running on about 5 hours of sleep. I will send you the original pictures tomrrow, for sure! The only thing is, they are resized to fit into the polaroid outlining. I will try to resize them cleaner without stretching them, if that will help the final outcome. Acutally, you know what? Most of the original copies of those pictures are on themidwaystate.com if you have a chance to drop by there. If not, I will defffinetly send them to you tomorrow. Thank you so much! <3
  4. Oh woops, I meant if Mana had any suggestions or ways of uping the quality, but thanks! Yes, I'll deffinetly have to adjust the resolution some how.
  5. Thank you! and it was my pleasure. Right, that's what I was thinking about just now actually, turning it vertically. And That'd be great if you could see what Mana thinks! Yay for you all liking it!<3
  6. ...yeah, really Jess. Pff... I really am not one to talk. Do you know how long over due this cover is?
  7. Hehe, thanks for the vote Jess. I love how I am currently talking to both of you on two different threads.
  8. Thanks Alex!<3 Okay, so we've got 1 for the typwriter styled font.
  9. Helloooooo all! Here are FINALLY! two drafts of the cover I made. They are just slightly different, with diferent font styles. It's up to you to choose! I guess we'll just go with what the majority of you like best. If ANYONE has any SUGGESTIONS to add or to take away from the cover, please let me know! and please be honest with what you think of it! <BR>
  10. yeah, it doesnt' say Mika... how do you know he's on this one?
  11. oh my god. Holly that way you said that just made me laugh so hard. Ahahahahahahhaha, I love you.
  12. Agreed. I had my heart just completely shattered into pieces last year, and I lost touch of who I was after, got really depressed and just slipped out of it. But I never thought that I would never love again. Love is just such a passion. My heart loves to the capacity that most do not understand. I take everything I see around me and find a way to love it. I'm not saying every cute guy I see I fall in love with, because I'm not that way at all. Looks can only go so far and I learned that a very long time ago. I'm excited most to see where my love life takes me, giving up on love just could never happen. Everyone has someone or something out there, just some may find it sooner and some may it find it later.
  13. Wow... I'm suprised noone's ripped my head off yet. *waits*
  14. Jackie...did you really? I was wondering what you did with it! I thought you were going to pull out a little bottle and somehow put the spit in there pr something. Hahaha, nah, I was just kidding! I kinda just let it sink in, hahahahaha. ....that's so disgusting.
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