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Everything posted by lovelove_mika

  1. THAT WAS THE COOLEST THING EVER! ahahaha, thanks for sharing!
  2. I guess what I don't understand is wanting him to COME UP WITH new, spontaneous stuff. That wouldn't be very spontaneous would it? But I now see where you are comming from JackViolet. Being in the audience the most we can do is scream " I love you Mika! " and sing along to his songs or laugh at his jokes. But what can HE DO to help us interact more with him and vice versa. He pulled people on stage at a few shows(*remenisces*) and I think that is a very fun way to interact more. But as for conversation wise, I don't really know... anyone?
  3. Ah! Have fun Elanorelle! You're in for a treat. The show is fantastic. *prays you remember to ask about the necklace for me*
  4. Haha,really? Idk It just makes sense though, doesn't it?
  5. Dear Jack, I'm sorry this has gotten blown out of proportion. I guess the way this should have started is, I personally feel like he does talk to the audience during his shows. In what ways do you feel like he doesn't enough? and what do you think would better it in a way. I'm sure you've already answered this somewhere way back, but it's late and i'm lazy.
  6. Many of us have had a chance to personally connect with Mika, And we all didn't get there by expecting it to be out of a movie. Mika's human and most of us love that more than anything about him. This is completely your opinion and your decision weather you go to any more gigs or not but How I feel is, when he is singing that's where all of his greatest stories come out. If those little stories he tells on the side don't surpass the bigger story ( his performance) I don't understand your decision at all. And that's my opinion.
  7. I think we should make a chris crocker styled video "LEAVE MIKAAA AALLOOOONNNNE!!"
  8. Ahaha, okay... well, I'm on the phone with Erin and I had said what she posted to her but didn't have the balls to say and so she took it into her own hands. Then when I said "sorry? " I was just being sarcastic. get it? haha.
  9. Seriously. I feel like seeing him live in and of itself is an amazing, lucky experience. To complain is just rediculous. If you don't like the show or what he says during it, don't go. plain and simple.
  10. Wow, that's so sweet! Geez, what a guy, huh?
  11. Know what happended? I pulled out a flower that I had for him to! and thennnnn he told us to keep them! and did that whole little cute twirling flower thing.
  12. I don't understand why I would be insulted by that? boiiii you juuusss jeallouuuus
  13. Anyone have a time machine? I want to relive this day over and over again.
  14. Idk, I guess he repeats himself sometimes, but it's not like it's stuff that doesn't come from the heart. Saying things more than once doesn't mean he doesn't mean it. And some of his stories are classic and a great to hear at shows.
  15. Ah! I love you! I really appreciate that! I just have to pray it doesn't slip your mind! (But how could I blame you? ) I hope you have a great,great time. It's seriously, the most amazing show ever. Beautiful to say the least.
  16. What I would do to be in San Fransisco right now.
  17. Yeah, it's nice that they do. Um, I just told them that they were great in new york and it was nice to meet them, and I sent them a bunch of pictures that I edited for them. Mika seems to know how to pick em'...his opening acts I mean. First Sara Bareilles, which I wish I still kept in touch with but she's so huge right now it's crazy! Anways, yeah, haha I just let them know they were great.
  18. Wellll, I was wonderinnnnngggg If you AFTER you guys get everything you want to say to the big M out, and still have a second left if you could ask him. "I heard you got a really cool necklace in new york before the show...you should wear it!" Ahahaha, I'm so lame. But I'm dying to see it on him. He seemed to have absolutley loved it when ErinsInterpreation and I gave it to him.
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