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Everything posted by lovelove_mika

  1. I'd love to be in San Fransico right now, it's one of my favorite places in the world and I can't even spell it right.
  2. Gah, I feel so stupid. California is like 3 hours behind New York. So they have a while before they go on.
  3. I was thinking about that too actually.. One of the guys from the midway state messaged me like 10 minutes ago. Strange..
  4. Ah! that's crazy! haha I guess crashing one of Simon Cowell's party will get you noticed, huh? Oh Meeks..
  5. I have a favor to ask of one of you, if you get to meet him....
  6. btw jess, I saw the full picture of your avatar. TALK ABOUT DECISIVE MOMENT. Seriously, that is suuuuuuuch a great picture, I was laughing so hard when I saw it.
  7. Ah! Have fun everyone! The new show is phenominal, you're all in for a treat. enjooooooooy! :]
  8. Ahahahaha, I know, it was great. I think Mika would have laughed too if he saw it, but I think he has better things to do (like perform in L.A in a few hours) then to sit and watch people he doesn't know say things about he dresses.
  9. I really hate how they just bash on people. I really don't understand fashion, isn't the whole point to be innovative and original? They bash any little piece of originality on the red carpet.
  10. I'm not sure. It could have been one of the fella's on the couch, but it could have been Debbie too...she sounds like a man most days.
  11. yaaaaaaaay! he was on fashion police! Ahahahahahha, I actually love that they weren't a huge fan of what the was wearing. I don't know who, but I deffinetly caught a " he is HOT! " in the background. But by far my favorite thing was... " He looks like he's going to meet Moses. " It's okay Meeks. Moses is cool. And I think we all know you looked very handsome last night.
  12. so uh...feist is REALLY talented... ...whaaat?
  13. Anyone else cry when Kanye sang that song about his mom?
  14. aw! aw! aw! aw! yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!
  15. that's the first thing I noticed! sweetest. man. ever.
  16. AW!!! he looked so cute! I think he's wearing those braclets a fan gave him!
  17. I miss all you guys too!! Meeks better get his butt back to new york this summer!
  18. My mom asked me this morning if I was going to watch the grammy's.. I said I didn't know, probably not. She then asked if Mika was nominated and I said yes, but I don't know if he's going to go or not.. she dropped her fork and just stared at me like I was crazy. She then yelled as I walked down the hall, " tell him he has to go! His mother in law says so!! " Hahahaha, my mom is crazy sometimes. So, any word on him going or not?
  19. These are pictures of the necklace ErinsInterperetation and I made for Mika, that he LOVED! We are two very proud girls haha... <BR> <BR> <BR>
  20. HAHAHA When I gave HIM the picture caption scrap book the first page he opened to was a picture of borat giving thumbs up and underneath was mika giving thumbs up, Mika looked at me with the cutest/funniest face I have ever seen and went "BORAT?!?!?!!"
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