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Everything posted by lovelove_mika

  1. [/color][/size][/font] Ahahaha, I see my eye in the back, It looks so creepy. I can't believe he's holding that necklace erinsinterpretations and I labored over. I love my life.
  2. Mika tried to pull me on stage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE grabbed my hand and then I grabbed his and he put his on top of mine ahahha then started to pull me and got me some what over the barrier but a security guard said NO MORE! it was bull****. But honestly, this sound so stupid.. but just knowing that Mika wanted me up there is more than enough for me. He talked to a bunch of us before the gig and told us to jump on stage during lollipop and we were all so stoked, he remembered who he talked to! because he grabbed my friend neil and before I knew it he grabbed me. Greatest experience of my life.
  3. HAHA, Mika spit on me too. like, I had a glob on my finger I looked to Jess (flinkster) and everyone around me and went "...what do I do with it?! " I got a "OH MY GAAAAAAAD!!!" and the ocassional..."SELL IT ON EBAY!"
  4. eee! I'm getting so anxious for the lollipop video!! I wanna see mika pulling me! hahaha
  5. Urgh, I know I was righttt in front of him in that video too! you can't see me, although you CAN see him holding the beautiful necklace me and erinsinterpretation gave him! :]
  6. Does anyone have pictures with mika and the necklace I gave him? anyoneee?
  7. So relax opens and i just stood there util the first oooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAHHHHHHHaahhahhhhhahhhh. I had to take it in, I live for that part in the show, idk why. The entire show was ****ing amazing. HAhahahaha, during big girl he came right to the edge of the stage and dropped his mic in between the barrier and the stage, and just put this look on his face like, are you kidding me? but in a funny way and laughed, it was priceless. I don't know which song it was during but Mika just came from a quick change and I saw that his tooth was bleeding and his mouth was all bloody but he just kept performing like he didn't even notice. OH!and SARANYDE! She was amazing! Before last night, I was not very fond of her at all and thought that she had way to big a part, but that is NOT the case. she IS in the back for the concert, she sings back up, but you hear mika's voice obviously, when they do the covers, theres parts where it's more like a duet and that's fine. But really, I felt like she is a great little something added to the show. Anways, the whole rest of the show, was just unbelieeeeeeeeeevable! I swear on everything I have stuck in the middle, it was like he was singing it to me an erinsinterpretation cause we were still dancing and singing and going crazy during it instead of just standing like the rest of the fans. He even got up from the piano with the mic and came towards us, I've never seen him do that for stuck in the middle. It was amazing. SO now, LOLLIPOP. He had told us earlier that he wanted everyone to go on stage but the barrier was so high and it really seemed like there was just no way. He must have remembered everyone he told to jump up because mid song, I see my friend neil just being pulled on stage by mika, after freaking out I reach my hand out and mika starts pulling me over the baracade. It was the most amazing moment of my life. I will never ever ever ever forget it. Soon after my friends liam and cara jumped the barrier and got on stage and danced....it was pretty bad ass. haha. After the show ended I talked to Andy (his beloved camera-man) because I had been talking to him before the show, and I was like seriously Andy, this is my 5th show, and this was the most amazing thing ever and I started crying after, and he was like " I know! i saw you in the front! haha " Andy is such a nice guy, poor thing I think half of the stuff he shot last night is of me and my friends. After hugging absolutely everyone, idk why i was just like I LOVE YOU ALL, I LOVE EVERYONE! i was in complete bliss. This random girl next to me was just like that was amazing! and i was like I KNOW! and she was like how much did you pay for you ticket?! and i was like 30, and she was like i payed 170! but it was so worth it! hahahaha, it was just really weird, we started hugging eachother and screaming I LOVE YOU! It was a complete circus. Mika said that this was his favorite new york show ever,and he could not stop thanking us. Andy told me afterwards that this was by far the best show yet on this tour and that we appreciated it more than anyone else. (( i'm not doubting anyones appreciation! im just saying what he said! We all show things in different ways, i think we all just went crazy. )) Seriously, there wasn't a quiet moment. Except for the beginning of Any other World. People didn't just clap and saying yay mika! after every song. The crowd was ROARING!it was amazing. I found Mika often looking up at the balconies when we would be cheering or singing and just smile and laugh. It was like he was beside himself. So after I got some cash from the ATM and bought a Mika shirt, we headed outside to a hot dog stand and downed bottle s of water and iced tea. About 20-30 people actually waited for Mika on the other side, for about an hour. While we were waiting, Perez Hilton and Katy Perry walked out which was awesome. And then Mika came out and signed for everyone, but couldn't take pictures. He then got into the van with Perez and Katy and took off. I will never get over last night. Mika, you are my hero. period.
  8. I still have to finish telling the other half to the greatest day of my life, but Perez Hilton and Katy Perry were there! I got to meet perez but katy just walked into the van, i didn't realize it was her at first. Just to clear up that it wasn't a rumor, they were both there.
  9. Oh, I'm sorry guys, I didn't realize it was that unclear. But what he said to me is that he's in the process of redoing his gallery and there will be a SECTION for fan stuff, and stuff made for him.
  10. Oh my ****ing God. Last night was the most amazing night of my life. I cried when I woke up this morning just telling my parents everything. Before I start Mika, if you read this...you are my hero in so many ways, i wish there was a less cheesy way to say it, last night was the best night of my life. So, we got online at 7am and HollyD, chessygoodness and Flinkster were all there SINCE 5 AM! they were all so so sweeet,and it was so nice to meet you all! around 8, thatpinksock and some of her other friends that i don't know there FC name on here were there and for literally hours and hours it was just that group of about 15 of us. Eventually, Mika's management came out, got Alex(cheesygoodness)'s number,and said that they'd try to do something for us and that he'd call her. Also! Jerry let us all know that they're taking over the MFC and making it the official fan club! yaaay! So we waited for a call, the phone rang and it was Jerry,(I think) and he told us that they were working everything out and they would call us back. They called us back to tell us that the group of 15 of us would get to meet him either before the soundcheck, before the gig or after the gig. We all just burst into joy. Maybe like 45-an hour later the little garage thing opened, that was the entrance,and it was jerry just saying hi, and he asked if he could get us all anything to drink, and he said he'd be back. So I wanna say like an hour later-ish, but I really have no idea, but it wasn't a long time before the entrance opened up again, but who was standing there? MIKA! He came out and said hi to all of us and we got to talk with him for about 10 min. ErinsInterpretation and I gave him this necklace of all these keychains that I'll post a picture of later, and seriously guys he LOOOOOOVED IT! He kept saying "this is brilliant!" "wicked!" "****!" it was such a good feeling. The center of the necklace was this shoe keychain that looks like it was made for mika, its a converse with raindow circles on it, and that's what he said "OH ****!" to. haha, he was like where did you get this? and I was like borders! haha, and he giggled and gave this look like, that's so weird. ( He played at borders last march in new york city.) Back in August I gave him the picture caption scrapbook, which I don't think most people knew about, but anyways, I never got to ask what he thought of it, so I did! And he was like, I loved that one,it made me laugh. He said he only keeps the good/important stuff-SCORE! :] Andddddddd, I almost pissed myself, he's working on his gallery and putting stuff like the book and other things fans have made or things that have been made for Mika in it! How nice is that? gah, what else what else....OH! He told us all to jump on stage during lollipop, but to make sure it wasnt gunna be jus two of us because it would be stupid, he wanted all of us to jump on stage. He said they did it the night before in boston and it was really cool. Um, someone asked him what his favorite New York gig was and he said GRAMERCY! That was such a good show, small but amazing. He said that Nokia was too like a broadway show with the way people would cheer and clap hahaha. But, during the show, as he often just looked into the crowd and laughed to himself and smiled and how amazing it was, he let us all know that this was by far his favorite new york gig ever.He kept thanking us. Anyways.. So the majority of people didn't start showing up online until after 5 o'clock. And around 630 we all go into single file by the time we got there. The doors opened just after 7, the man removed the baracade, i sprinted to the ticket booth she scanned my ticket, I sprinted down the hallway, before Jerry had even opened the door to the stage, and then I sprinted and got FRONT ROW CENTER! IT was amaaaaaazing, everything I could have ever asked for. There were these Dj's playing as we got in there, and they played for like 30-45min. They never talked to the audience or introduced themselves or anything, it was kinda weird. Then the Midway State came on, and suprisingly they are a lot better live then what I heard on there Myspace. At one point my friend and I looked up and we were like I really think that's perez hilton up there! We knew he would be in new york that day too. We kept looking and looking and told people around us and started screaming "PEREZ!!" and the occassional, "P-NASTY!" He wasn't in like the balcony balcony it's hard to explain there's a part that's kinda like backstage and there's curtains, but you can watch from behind, and Perez waved and then kinda hid and went away haha. Then we kept telling people that we saw him and they kept looking but it was totally different man so they didn't believe us haha. After the midwaystate finished we waited about 45min, everything was going by so quick, usually you feel like you wait forever once you get inside but it wasn't bad at all..... to be continued
  11. aaaaaah!!!!!!! SO EXCITED! SEE YOU ALL TOMORROW!!
  12. Looks like I don't have an extra ticket after all Suzy. I'm sorry! Best of luck with getting a ticket and hope to see you there!
  13. Did they already have a contest for New York or something? If they didn't even do a competition for new york i'll be pissed
  14. I'm pretty sure the other gigs so far started the same time, and Mika was on by 930. I'm not certain though..
  15. Suzy! there is a slight chance that a friend of mine miiiiight not be able to go. I will let you know when I know!!
  16. So, How excited is everyone here?! Have fun you guys! :punk:
  17. Hahahahahahhahahahaha! I'd be happy to share... walking across time square after GMA to go to the secret gig, I'm in the middle of the cross-walk BAM my umbrella goes inside out and upside down, and does stuff i never thought possible. I literally could not feel my feet, but yet It was the worst pain ever, and they were bright purple. I was shivering the entire time, as were most of the mfcers. And of courseeeee I was in a thin white shirt. The things we (mfcers) do for Meeks. P.S I still have scars on my feet from my shoes. I had to soak them for about an hour and rap them in blanket to the feeling back. I wish I was exaggerating, it was absolutley horrible. As gross as this is, I walked barefoot from the highline about a block til' I got a taxi.
  18. oh my goooooooosh almost 3 days. i can't contain myself!
  19. wait, did he do I want you back and/or sweet dreams?! I will die if he cut those two from the show!
  20. Oooof. I'lll wait to hear tomorrow. o0o Looks like we'll be waiting to hear from YOU tomorrow Suzy. Just think of us when you're taking your time day dreaming of the concert on your way home.
  21. eeee! anything????! All this thinking about mfcers in canada has gotten " Oh Canada " stuck in my head... what the ****?
  22. i'd love to text someone on friday and tell them everything thats going on before and after the nyc show, if anyones interested haha. I willl literally be there....all day.
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