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Everything posted by lovelove_mika

  1. Well, it's 10:02 here in new york and i've got class in the morning. -- I hope noone took any of my remarks/comments on this topic too harshly, i just try to be realistic, and see things for what they are. BUT I encourage all of you to never settle for less and always always keep your dreams in reach, an believe them, because of course, after all you never know whats in store for you. Night all! <3! x
  2. Well than you wouldn't love that person, you'd love the little that you know about them. All I can say is TRUST ME, ive been in an absolutely horrible situation like this that completley broke my heart, it's not safe, don't fool yourself.
  3. Damn girl, you've said it all, and very well I might add. *applauds*
  4. I totally agree with you on the whole fan boundry line part. Like, I really don't know any other artists, as big as Mika, who still has such an unquestionable,amazing relationship with his 'fans'. This is off topic, but I hate when people who just totally don't get this whole MFC thing, and think it's just crap, and we're all just crazed fans. I also agree with the celebrity part, I never ever, refer to him as a celebrity, it's such crap now a days, and I think it makes him, and any artist for that matter who can look past the whole celebrity status, that much more respectable and tangable.
  5. sorry to keep adding to this, but as much as the MFC knows about Mika ( almost too much:wink2: ) there is so much more that we don't know about him.
  6. Exactly. I mean, when you have a conversation with someone, or a simple interview, by no means what so ever, do get a view at someones whole personality. Basically,we all know the energetic ( sometimes moody:wink2: ) loveable mika he portrays in interviews, towards fans and on stage. There's always more than what meets the eye.
  7. Could not agree with you more Christine. You said it perfectly!
  8. I've never seen these before, I found them on Greg Wells myspace. haha...
  9. *crosses fingers for a north american tour* I think for now he'll keep doing small venues. For me, it's actually really rare when I talk about Mika to someone and I hear 'hey that guys great!' I always get "...who? "
  10. I loooooooove tattoos I'm always thinking of what to get, but I would never do something that's obvious, it'd have to really mean something to me. I think Most people feel that way, but it's so hard to decide.
  11. Caz, let me start off sincerely apologizing for completely neglecting this thread. Although it is a wonderful idea, I should have known that between school and work, i wouldn't be able to do this. I guess I'm pulling out? Again, I'm really sorry, If I had more time, i would love to be apart of this, but best of luck with these books,and I hope to be part of your next little adventure ! -Jackie
  12. I think he looks elegant, classy and extremely handsome. *swoons*
  13. AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW x 10000000000 Gah, He is so handsome!
  14. I'm dying to see Spring Awakening, it looks amaaaazing! I've seen Rent and Hairspray, which were very good! hairspray is so much fun to see live, so heinken22, if youre lookin' for a fun show, i deffinetly recommned hairspray
  15. hey Fmbm, think you could PM me the acoustic version of relax whenever you get a chance?
  16. Haha, I have actually! San Diego, it is quite beautiful ;]
  17. I'm not a californiann but i have been there, and I must say, it is absolutley beautiful! I think San Fransisco is my second favorite city yet. : ]
  18. new york is smelly and the people are rude, but I absolutely love everything about it. It's my favorite place in the world,hands down. There's just this aura and this liveliness.
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