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Everything posted by lovelove_mika

  1. yes, you should deffinetly come to a N.Y show. or just N.Y in general, it's pretty wonderful.
  2. I have naturally curly hair, and I know if i'm sweating from dancing all night or something crazy, my hair goes pretty straight.
  3. Kata and EnFa I hope you have a blast! you deserve front row, get some brass knuckles and practice the shoving.
  4. Exactly! gaaahhhh I love you Christine!! it's like taking candy from a baby for those whove seen him live
  5. This is what I posted 3 post into the thread after I deleted it: (someone had asked me what I had said ) It just sound so so selfish. I know that there are tons and tons of fans who havent gotten to meet or seem him live yet,and i really do feel so incredibly lucky. but i was just saying how, i got used to this seeing him on a 2-3 month basis and how it's going to be hard to have to wait until after december to see him again,and i know that his fans in new york or the rest of the us for that matter probably feel the same.
  6. And that makes me feel horrible. because from what I think I've gathered, it's happened more than once to you? either way, i completely understand, anyone NOT understanding my post in that situation
  7. Whaaat? haha, no no no! where'd you get that from? I wish!
  8. exactly. I worked so so hard to get to his shows,and for the tickets. thank you for understanding.
  9. Aha,oh okay, that makes me feel a little better. ugh.
  10. And i didn't post this for sympathy, like some of you read it as. It was simply just what I was thinking at the moment.
  11. Oh, and what is this about me bragging? honestly,show me the posts. because I've yet to see them. And saying I'm spoiled and my daddy buys me everything? Like I said, I worked hard for the money I got to see him live.
  12. Are you Kidding me? There was a reason I put a disclaimer in front of my post, so that I didn't have to hear how selfsish I sound, trust me, I'm aware of it, but it's one of those things that isn't gunna come out right no matter which way you say it. You have absolutley no idea how greatful I am. and spoiled? sorry,but you don't know any of my stories i worked so hard for all the money i got to go to his shows, and the journeys it took to getting to them. The only reason I posted this, because I know I can't be the only one who was feeling like this. And I never said I miss Mika. I said it's going to be tough. Calling me selfish isn't doing anything, I already said in the beginning,that I'm aware it sounds selfish.
  13. Gah, I'm sorry! you willl! haha, now you see why I decided to not continue this thread?
  14. It just sound so so selfish. I know that there are tons and tons of fans who havent gotten to meet or seem him live yet,and i really do feel so incredibly lucky. but i was just saying how, i got used to this seeing him on a 2-3 month basis and how it's going to be hard to have to wait until after december to see him again,and i know that his fans in new york or the rest of the us for that matter probably feel the same.
  15. gah, nevermind. I can't imagine getting any thing but negative responses to this.
  16. I felt a sort of numbing emotion with it. and to me, i think it's so strong. that probably makes absolutley no sense...
  17. I don't think I will ever get over how amazing this day was. Mika, it's official, you are the sweetest man in the world.
  18. \ http://youtube.com/watch?v=SvBIyJf6el0 there ya go.
  19. I like when it's just his untied shoes in the frame. And then it goes to him picking his head up, to look down at his untied shoes.
  20. Ha! Sexcellent?! you're too cute I admire your vocab David.
  21. I can't explain how much I love this video. !@#$%^ gaaaaaah!!! lovelovelovelovelovelove
  22. HOLY ****ING AMAZING. I absolutely love it. rqu84e8wreqaws98fuyqhf32qd
  23. I feel so selfish, after seeing him 4 times in the past 6months, but he needs to come back to new york-a.s.a.p, waiting until after december is going to suuuuuuuuckkkkkkk:thumbdown: but i'll take what i can get:wink2:
  24. I asked ' What did you think of the picture caption scrap book you received at good morning america this august? ' I'm quite scared to hear an answer to that though. Even though he did seem to get a kick out of it.
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