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Everything posted by lovelove_mika

  1. yup, haha, I was on the opposite side of you, right by michael choi I could be totally wrong, but I think you might have been in front of me online, are you friends with ThatPinkSock?
  2. oh god that was the WORST, waiting from 5-7, then waiting from 7-9 (something like that) JUST for them to set up for the opening singer, she sang for what felt like FOREVER, ( she was quite good- Sarah Bareilles check her out, but all we wanted was mika) thennn,they had to clean her **** up and set up for mika, it was a VERY long wait, but when youre front row, you can't really complain. actually, if you're seeing mika, period, you can't really complain.
  3. so I'm confused,and this is gunna sound so stupid, but I'm asking it anways, if tickets go on sale at 12pm, is that 12noon? or 12midnight?
  4. His staus isn't an icecube anymore! wooooo! keep voting!
  5. Real Name is Mica, but he got tired of everyone pronouncing it meesha
  6. voted, geez vh1's just getting on Grace Kelly? Love Today's his current single. tisk tisk.
  7. not sure if this is new-ish or not, but here ya go here's two more, these's are probably old, but they were new to me,and i'm sure to some other people as well:
  8. Aahahahahahahahaha, that was SO funny,and then when Mika walked outside like there wasnt 700 people waiting for him, I really thought you were gunna pass out.
  9. Thank you SOOOO so much Jessica! WELCOME! :]
  10. Hey everyone, I actually have thought of doing this quite a while ago, the whole caption and contest thing, so im pretty bummed i didnt do it early. I was thinking about posting pictures,and having people vote on the wittiest or funniest caption,and take those pictures and put them in a scrap book sort of thing and the person who wins gets to write something to Mika(and put there picture/name),and my whole plan is to see him NY this june,and give it to him there, kinda like what Sivan did, but not a scrap book. Anyone think this is a good idea?
  11. mika and new york city....two things I never get sick of.
  12. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo I was gunna start something like thisssssss
  13. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH! I cannot wait to see him againnnnnnnnnnnnnn!! I really thought he wasnt comming back to newyork, WOO!
  14. He's in Atlanta, Georgia June 16th http://www.ticketmaster.com/artist/1105915
  15. ahhhhhhhh! I cannot WAIT! to see him again!! gah, so so much fun:naughty: ayo mika, new york! a.s.a.p! i know you wanna. do it,you won't:wink2:
  16. wow. whenever i think of mika, i to ALWAYS go ' mikamikamikamikamika!' does everyone do that? hahahaha
  17. I'm from new york..suburbs unfortunately. My highschool is absolutley HUMONGOUS, there's actually a prison somewhere in chicago, that is exactyl the same as my highschool. monroe woodbury-state champs may i add, muahaha. If you know where the woodbury commons is, that's basically around where i live. people come from all over to shop there, so i dont really know if that helps,haha. it's pretty boring, but i'm 30min from nyc, so it's allll gooood. ;]
  18. When it you click on the song, it says it's about her ex boyfriend. she's just making fun of how 'emo' he was. i don't think it's about mika, they're friends afterall.
  19. ^^^ HATE hospitals! and spiders, oh god, i freeze,and most of the time cry, and scream while i kill it, if someone else hasn't yet. pretty much ANY insect makes me cringe and shake. And i'm terrifed of sea animals/creatures whatever you wanna call them!
  20. That's my birthday! ( which is tomorrow!) Now I knowim gunna have a good birthday!
  21. Hahahahhaha, yes, I'm Jackie- jamie's daughter! I'm honestly suprised that you're not still crying from your whole experience,hahaha..first when the doors opened and you could hear him rehersing, you start balling every time the door opens, but then when he walks outside I thought you were going to pass out....ahahahaha, too funny.
  22. I'd ask if he came on the side with any of the meals. ....I can't believe I just said that.
  23. ThatPinkSock....did I meet you online? I can't tell who you are on here!haha But you were hysterical crying(of joy) online, it was so funny.
  24. noooooo! that's it, from now on since Mika will probably be HUGE in a month, we're all meeting up at his big venues, hours and hours early, saving eachother spots,and taking up front row. When I walked into gramercy theatre, for some reason I couldnt figure out that the stage was right in front of me, because there was no people in there, and when it clicked, i raaaaaaaan towards the stage,and had front row all night.
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