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Everything posted by Shezzy12

  1. Sooo guys.. What you tlaking about? xxx
  2. LOL. Thanks caz, you understood me. rather than thinking " shes soo stupid" rofl. I feel like a idiot, by misreading the article. lol xxxx
  3. rofl. I feel like an idiot now! tHanks for that. xx
  4. True. I just thought it was a nice idea. But i can see...what you mean? Oh well.. Shall we leave the idea then? :] x
  5. I was laughing when i was writing my dream! I felt like a idiot! rofl. xxxx
  6. DID he say that! loool noo i must of missed that part! no kids! looool xxx
  7. I saw that! I was there! That was amzing gig! Woooop woop! gomikkka! loool xxxx
  8. It said the name of the hosp Something like wellington hosp. :S
  9. Ooohh I love that relax card!!!! Soo what you girls talkin abt? xx
  10. Heyy.. Please let me know.. If you think i stole anyones ideas or anything.. That was not my intention. :] Anyhow.. I was thinking? Should i mkae him a card..and then send it off to the hosp? It was in the mirror newspaper It said the name of the hosp Something like wellington hosp. :S and everyone can have a say? Like...obviously we will have to do this quite quick. But please please..let me know...if you think mika would get annoyed? thankyou! xxxxx -------------------------------------------- Can someone close this thread :] x
  11. Thankyou soo much for translating! Awww...Thank goodness..he wont get sued! Complete idiots! lol Thankyou xxxxxx
  12. Ohh well who cares..? Like he said..He was proud that the gay comunity supported him. :] xxxx
  13. Awwww.. thank gooodenss he is getting better! Thankyou xxxx
  14. OMG. That was amazing. Altho..They didnt show all the songs which p***** me off. However...MIKA was sooo sweet! I loved his glasses! rofl. and the end when he stamped that interviewers hand ! I was like WHAT A LUCKY GIRL rofl. Did you lot watch it? xxx
  15. ROFL. I had this lovely dream last night. Although it was dead strange. I was sat at the beach with some random mfc members. I stayed away from the water [ I'm scared of the sea ] && They said.." come on shireen lets go on this speedboat!" I was like no thanks! And they were like " shireen come on...dont b so scared you wont drown" and they kept telling me to go. But then i walked off. And i walked into this post office/ Co-op! LOL And i saw MIKA. HA. And I walked up and i went " omG" And he said " your that girl from the tba gig arent you" I was like YOU remmebr me! He was like yes of course! Then i went can i have a photo and he goes of course so i ahd a photo! and then i kinda like went " Well...i guess your busy...i um better go" So he went " no im not busy" ROFL. and i was like oh" lol Next thing you know we are walking down the beach holding hands It felt so real, when i woke up! I was like OMG. rofl!
  16. Gooood morning! How are you all today? xx
  17. I knooo he looks adorable! :] xxx
  18. I'm suppper dooper thankyou :] Danika..I've scanned the Q mag interview! I photocopied it from the library It's on the topic :] Soo what yuuh lot talking about ? xxx
  19. Thanks for posting! That was sooo funnnny! xx
  20. Oooh first to reply! That is amazing!!! Great job xxx
  21. Helllooo hellooo girls! How are we all today? xxx :] xxx
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